A good RPG


Jun 22, 2009
Does anyone know any good RPG's that are out for 360 or are coming out. Anything other than FF13 because I am definitely getting that.
Fallout 3. Try to get Game of the year edition. Main game with all expansion packs.

Hell I bought the game twice I played it so much.
I'd recommend:

Western RPGs: Fable 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 1/2, Dragon Age Origins
JRPGs: Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean The Last Hope, Infinite Undiscovery
Dragon age.

Dragon Age is good but a lot of the 80 hours of claimed playtime is really just spent listening to boring dialogue or watching cut scenes. I'd much rather spend that time fighting stuff and actually developing a character (which is rather limited imho with the super low level cap in the game).
I enjoyed Blue Dragon ALOT. Reminded me of an old-school SNES game that was updated for newer technology. I bet you can pick it up for $10 shipped from newegg or used somewhere...
Yeah, Blue Dragon surprised me...it was totally a joke buy at 20 bucks but then i was like :D

It felt like an RPG.
Lots of good ones to be had! Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean, and Blue Dragon if you are a more jRPG feel. Dragon Age for a more western feel. Fallout, Mass Effect 1 & 2 if you want a more shooter style.
Well, vanilla oblivion isn't really much to talk about, but oblivion with good mods can and is a lot of fun. Other than that, the ones already mentioned are pretty good. Been getting back into temple of elemental evil myself since i wanted a D+D rpg that was fairly faithful to the ruleset.
Tales of Vesperia is the best JRPG on the 360 in my opinion. That is if you're looking for a JRPG.
Dragon Age: Origins
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey
Last Remnant
Fallout 3
Fable II
Mass Effect 1/2
Dragon Age is good but a lot of the 80 hours of claimed playtime is really just spent listening to boring dialogue or watching cut scenes. I'd much rather spend that time fighting stuff and actually developing a character (which is rather limited imho with the super low level cap in the game).

It is a bioware game,they do tend to follow a similar formula. Sounds like Diablo would be your type of game.
can anyone explain to me what the heck a jrpg is? a japanese rpg, right? well, what is a japanese rpg?
One of the best games I have ever played. I second Lost Odyssey...also.. Dragaon Age Origins, Mass Effect 1&2, and you might like Magna Carta 2.

I loved lost odyssey but it should have been called 'fake tears the game'
Lost Odyssey is amazing. I'm on the third disc right now. Made by a bunch of people who did Final Fantasy 1-10. It definitely feels like an old-school, pre-FF7 entry into the Final Fantasy franchise. Plus, Uematsu did the score.
The 360 Star Ocean is the worst of the Star Ocean games. I mean, it's okay if you wanna grind out some levels and do some quests, but it's nothing special. The story is mediocre and the voice acting is terrible. That said, I did actually finish it, mostly because it was a Star Ocean game, so it's not the worst RPG I've ever played. I'd give it a C. I finished it on mute with the subtitles on.
Borderlands hasnt been mentioned.

Not as immersive as say... Bioshock 1/2, Fallout 3, or Mass Effect 1/2, but its good.
This is pretty much the jist of a JRPG.

Yeah, that's fair. :rolleyes:

JRPGs, think of the old-time big hitters
Final Fantasy (any and all)
Chrono Trigger
and so on

WRPGs, think of sandbox RPGs
Dragon Age
The Witcher

I'm sure someone will come in here and say something about gender and the differences with the RPGs, but just tune them out.
Like the others have said, Blue Dragon was great. Lost Odyssey was also pretty fun too, but I lost interest quickly for some reason. Dragon Age, Fable 2, and the Mass Effect games are all really spectacular. Look for Bioware games: they are almost always gold, in my humble opinion.
Just played the demo for Divinity II: Eco Dragonis and it was pretty good, very much a blend of Oblivion meets Baldurs Gate. But not for me right now as I have Dragon Age: Origins, Assassins Creed II, Mass Effect 1 all to beat before I buy anything new.....
I can't give the definitive definition of JRPG's, and a lot explanations above are good. I'll just give a few more hints.

Maybe the most defining thing about JRPG's is the artwork:
1. In the game, it's no big deal if swords are twice as long as the wielder and also thicker than the wielder.
2. Combat is less about realistic combat animations. Every attack is a sort of artistic pose. (I'm not saying it's necessarily more artistic than WRPG's, but that they just do things different). Each attack or spell casting is animated in way to make the motion look more extravagant.
3. The characters: they are always young kids. "Men" are stripped of testosterone. "Boy" is a more appropriate term to describe how males look. Girls look like young school girls with boobs attached.

If you encounter any talking spirit/demon pet that look loosely like an animal (or nothing like an animal), it's a JRPG.

As far as combat mechanics go: JRPG's strive to be more artistic, and they tend to favor turn based combat. WRPG's strive to be more realistic, and tend to favor more live action mechanics. There are exceptions, and it's not a hard and fast rule.
Hey man, hook me up with some lottery numbers.

Yeah, that's fair. :rolleyes:

I'm sure someone will come in here and say something about gender and the differences with the RPGs, but just tune them out.

3. The characters: they are always young kids. "Men" are stripped of testosterone. "Boy" is a more appropriate term to describe how males look. Girls look like young school girls with boobs attached.
Yeah, that's fair. :rolleyes:

What? Yahtzee is pretty accurate. JRPGs are more turn-based, random enemy encounters, a lot of dialog, and a story that is being told (less user input on the direction of their character/story). Not saying JRPGs are better/worse than WRPGs, just different scents for different gents.