A good site or prog for HDTV


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2006
Anyone know a website or prog for streaming HDTV or downloading it. even a good downloading program or website for torrent's would be fine..

Asking for torrents for tv is against the rules and is illegal. Joost is the closest thing that I can think of for what you are asking, its tv shows that are legally streamed to your pc, it is supported by ads. Most people that watch tv on their pc have tv card.
Some of the major network TV companies also have HD streams. I think ABC or NBC have an HD streaming service for some of their shows.
What is that Joost like? I did sign up for it and download the prog but decided not to install it until I find out if it is worth it or not. I get pauses just watching crap youtube videos sometimes so don't see how I can get smooth streaming with HDTV even if I do have cable connection. One of the guys who helped create ArpNet says the internet as it is is not good enough for these kinds of purposes and we need a whole new internet infrastructure. I think these companies are out to lunch if they think we are going to give up our cable and satellite TV and use internet TV instead.