A little help with a 6600 OC with a p5k deluxe


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
this mobo is packed with features, i had a little look around the BIOS and was a bit freightened about the amount of settings available.

can anyone help me push my 6600 c2d from 2.4 to about 3 with this mobo? I use air cooling by Freezer Pro?

thank you!
You're much better off reading some guides and learning all the times and settings yourself, it makes you much less likely to destroy something and adds a little fun to it. Really, we could just tell you exactly what to do, but where's the fun in that? Many people have gone to great lengths to write good overclocking guides and articles; I suggest you have a peek at those, unless you had a specific question about something.

EDIT: Tada, link! http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1198647
hey thanks for the quick reply, just figured the mobo might have very unique features that a general guide might not cover. will read and post my results thereafter.
hey thanks for the quick reply, just figured the mobo might have very unique features that a general guide might not cover. will read and post my results thereafter.

The most difficult part is that nearly all boards use different terms; it took me a while to figure out what was what. You just have to decipher its cryptic names and figure out what's the FSB, memory divider, CPU multi, and the multiplier for the FSB (I keep wanting to say HyperTransport, but that's AMD :p). Voltages are pretty important too, but after that you should be set.