A little moar D for the [H]orde

Another question. Does anybody have any experience of running a dually board with mismatched memory configurations. One of my dimms has gone south and so at the moment one cpu has dual channel and one has triple channel. Will both cpu's run dual or will the continue to run as is and one slow the other down? Its only for the short term as new ram is on the way

it will run fine... slight load imbalance... lower ppd
New ram has arrived and is installed on Hood, looks like running banks unven cost me a frame time increase of 2 minutes.

Warrior is running its 1st -bigadv but it got a 2684:(. Current TPF is about 26:19 - does that sound right for L5640's? Yes Ubuntu, BFS and the kraken are runing
Hi, my name is Rip Van Winkle, and I used to fold! :(

Dang, a lot has changed since I let the garden plot go to weeds. FLECOM was the top dog, OCAU had been vanquished, and I held the same rank as our team number. The call went up on the [H], I didn't pay much attention. Hell, we were the baddest team on the planet, where did this EVGA bunch come from?

OK, I'm here. I have a couple newer machines at my disposal (Phenom x4, Thuban x6) with vid cards that might be able to do some things. It's a very mixed bag on OS, so I'd better list 'em out and you can shoot them down:

Phenom II x6 1090T / ATI 6870 / 8GB RAM / Win7 64-bit
Phenom x4 / NV 8800GT / 4GB RAM / Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit
Opteron dual-core / ATI Rage onboard / 2GB / XP Pro SP3
Core 2 Duo / NV420 / 4GB / Win7 64-bit

Hi, my name is Rip Van Winkle, and I used to fold! :(

Dang, a lot has changed since I let the garden plot go to weeds. FLECOM was the top dog, OCAU had been vanquished, and I held the same rank as our team number. The call went up on the [H], I didn't pay much attention. Hell, we were the baddest team on the planet, where did this EVGA bunch come from?

OK, I'm here. I have a couple newer machines at my disposal (Phenom x4, Thuban x6) with vid cards that might be able to do some things. It's a very mixed bag on OS, so I'd better list 'em out and you can shoot them down:

Phenom II x6 1090T / ATI 6870 / 8GB RAM / Win7 64-bit
Phenom x4 / NV 8800GT / 4GB RAM / Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit
Opteron dual-core / ATI Rage onboard / 2GB / XP Pro SP3
Core 2 Duo / NV420 / 4GB / Win7 64-bit

You should really start a new thread for this.
Hi, my name is Rip Van Winkle, and I used to fold! :(

Dang, a lot has changed since I let the garden plot go to weeds. FLECOM was the top dog, OCAU had been vanquished, and I held the same rank as our team number. The call went up on the [H], I didn't pay much attention. Hell, we were the baddest team on the planet, where did this EVGA bunch come from?

OK, I'm here. I have a couple newer machines at my disposal (Phenom x4, Thuban x6) with vid cards that might be able to do some things. It's a very mixed bag on OS, so I'd better list 'em out and you can shoot them down:

Phenom II x6 1090T / ATI 6870 / 8GB RAM / Win7 64-bit
Phenom x4 / NV 8800GT / 4GB RAM / Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit
Opteron dual-core / ATI Rage onboard / 2GB / XP Pro SP3
Core 2 Duo / NV420 / 4GB / Win7 64-bit

Welcome to the [H]orde!

As zero said, start a thread and we can get you hashed out. Also, what kind of opterons?

Your going to have a bunch of fun with the new SMP side of things :cool:
Welcome to the [H]orde!

As zero said, start a thread and we can get you hashed out. Also, what kind of opterons?

Your going to have a bunch of fun with the new SMP side of things :cool:

Done. :)

I thought I'd stick to this thread and not clutter the forum, but in retrospect Zero and yourself are right. The Opty is a single AM2, can't remember the code at the moment.

Back to the previous discussion...
Done. :)

I thought I'd stick to this thread and not clutter the forum, but in retrospect Zero and yourself are right. The Opty is a single AM2, can't remember the code at the moment.

Back to the previous discussion...

When it comes to moar D, the more threads the merrier:D
An update for you all, My 3rd and final rig is now up and running. This one will be purely straight SMP though as its the daily driver.

Specs: well take warrior from my sig, rip out the M/B,CPU and RAM, put in an ASUS Z8NA, dual L5640's and 12Gb of ram and job done:D

There will be pics at some stage