A little more Vista Info.

It's basically information which has been known for quite some time. The behaviour of reduced function mode, and the conditions under which Vista enters that mode, have been remarked upon in numerous blogs over time.

Hopefully it'll deter piracy by making things more difficult, but the danger is that it might prove to have just the opposite effect. There's already been a helluva lot of problems with volume licenses and anytime upgrade licenses being triggered as counterfeit keys when activating. If the bugs aren't sorted out MS could well find itself having to just about say "Yeah, OK' every time somebody rings for a new key.
It's basically information which has been known for quite some time. The behaviour of reduced function mode, and the conditions under which Vista enters that mode, have been remarked upon in numerous blogs over time.

Hopefully it'll deter piracy by making things more difficult, but the danger is that it might prove to have just the opposite effect. There's already been a helluva lot of problems with volume licenses and anytime upgrade licenses being triggered as counterfeit keys when activating. If the bugs aren't sorted out MS could well find itself having to just about say "Yeah, OK' every time somebody rings for a new key.
Some of that 3 day stuff in there didn't sound to good . This had a Feb 15th date on it so, i thought it may have info that earlier stuff didn't.
There'll be heaps of KB articles being published. A lot of the info in that one simply confirms what's been discussed during the Beta period.