A mobo's funeral


Sep 7, 2004
An Asus A7N266-VM mobo from my uncle's rig. He had problems with it and I had to replace it. The mobo had two busted caps. Brought it back here to work on it. I replaced the caps.

I tested it with my 1700+. It POSTed without problems. Then it states that a Hardware Error was discovered. I tried to get to the Hardware Monitor in the BIOS it locks up. I restarted it. Try it again and it will not boot into Mage's Foldix. All the other parts were already used so I know that is not the problem.

The most consolation I can get from this is that now I would not have spent the $40-50 bucks for a socket A processor if this mobo had worked.

Pretty bummed out right now. :(

/me plays taps on theold dx7 controller
Pretty much the same thing just happened for me. :( I got a free Socket A board from Biostar that was all shitted up from my sister's smoking (bad habit, I'm glad I quit), that gave her all sorts of instability. I changed out the chipset HSF and passive heatsink on the northbridge (a set she bought to replace, but never used). Put some AS5 on the core, and put on the heatsink (with some effort, God I <3 A64 HSF's) and got it to post.

The problems started after my friend accidently kicked the AGP card. :rolleyes: Yes, I know, retarded...but I had no cases, and it was laying in the "fixing computers" area, which is next to my hallway. I live by myself, so I don't tend to worry where I place things because I just walk around them...I even told him to watch out for it, and he musta forgot on the way back. Either way, it SEEMED to work fine...next day though, ethernet was giving me trouble, then it wouldn't load drivers in Windows, and all sorts of shit. I'm not sure if his AGP-footwork did it, or what. I just let it sit until a few days ago when I started this folding business. Tried to get it working, and it just refused...sometimes after you let it sit it would post, and temps were fine (a little high, but not terrible, < 60C) and it would just "blah". I might check to see if the TIM has bad contact from the HSF fumbling or what...not a huge loss, but I think the processor is fine and I hate to have 1.4GHz that I can't put to use. Luckily, I put the memory in a nF3 250GB that my friend has to pick up, but still...would be nice to have. Would also be nice to know if the AXP is good or not...she had some pretty lame TIM on the core before, and I'm not entirely sure how the CPU's last few weeks were lived.

Anyway, I feel your pain. :( I'm really grabbin' at any CPU cycles I can get my hands on, and to have it laying there...bah, just pisses me off. But your score's higher than mine, so you'll be alright. ;)

Viper87227 said:
Don't forget you have a brand new one on the way ;)

Two 754s are better than one? OTOH I might just do a higly oced XP if I can find a socket A combo for cheap. :D

Now look what I've started.
magnusvir said:
So do you want me to burn it and take pics? :D
No, of course not. Video - now we're talking. :D
