A Moment Of Silence

Nov 19, 2003
For those small companies that brought us good gaming titles such as Wing Commander, Ultima, C&C Series..., and a good gaming experience with support and quality updates, until they got gobbled up by EA Executives. Here are some, I cant remember all: Origin, Westwood, Looking Glass, Black Box, Bullfrog, Criterion, Jamdat, Digital Illusions. I hope EA goes to hell for that. Id rather buy quality games from smaller companies. Also, EA tried to gobble up Ubisoft and Epic, say bye bye Splinter Cell and other good titles if that ever happens.
Digital Illusions. :(

I loved Desert Combat... ever since the beginning. Battlefield 2 sucked. :( :(
It isn't entirely a loss. I really liked Westwood, Maxis, Origin, and others, but being bought out doesn't mean those people stop existing. I'm sure some of them are absorbed into EA, and go on to make great things.

It still sucks, of course, that the people in each company aren't together anymore, but, I guess, at least some of them are still developing.

Long live Ubisoft, Epic, Infinity Ward, and iD, to name a few.
If EA would fix their games instead of releasing betaware it wouldnt be so bad.
My worst fear is EA taking over valve/steam, if that ever happened pc gaming would be dead.
No, if they took over Epic you'd never see another game like UT or GoW again.
L1ght said:
My worst fear is EA taking over valve/steam, if that ever happened pc gaming would be dead.

Omg the end of CS OEHS NOES... A mod that was gobbled up by a talentless bunch of hacks.. OMG the horror a bunch of talentless hacks taken over by a bunch of talentless hacks.
WarriorX said:
If EA would fix their games instead of releasing betaware it wouldnt be so bad.

i coundl't agree more. ea buying out smaller game dev firms isn't inherently bad, but releasing products that are about as good as their betas is. until ea sees a big hit in sales is when they'll start taking more time to release good products. currently, there is no such sales hit on the horizon, so be prepared for ea to keep releasing mediocre product until they are onvinced that that isnt the way to go.
We need quality control for games. You know how fast lettuce was pulled from grocery stores when it was known it might have e-coli? Is it much different from buggy games? Ok it is much different, but you see my point!

This is the right idea. We need standards in the same way there are food standards. So instead of going from EA offices to the manufacturing plant, it goes to some agency whose purpose is to test games vigorously, and put an official stamp on it saying that its not a freakin beta.
I dont think EA will buy valve or epic . Its the small companys that get bought by EA.

I also cant believe EA games still get decent ratings. I guess the testers dont play the game but watch a fraps vid of the game being played. EA fires their beta testers if they say their games sucks.
Wrench00 said:
Omg the end of CS OEHS NOES... A mod that was gobbled up by a talentless bunch of hacks.. OMG the horror a bunch of talentless hacks taken over by a bunch of talentless hacks.

WTF are you bitching about? Taking up Valve means much more than just CS. Incase you forgot, Valve makes the HL series, CS series and the DOD series...you know...three of the more popular franchises among PC gaming.
Wrench00 said:
Omg the end of CS OEHS NOES... A mod that was gobbled up by a talentless bunch of hacks.. OMG the horror a bunch of talentless hacks taken over by a bunch of talentless hacks.

Yes, Half-Life 2 was certainly the work of talentless hacks. Go back to your EA beta testing.
Rabid Badger said:
Yes, Half-Life 2 was certainly the work of talentless hacks. Go back to your EA beta testing.
totally. i made half life 2 as a programming assignment in intro to graphics. its easy :eek:

on topic: i liked c&c: generals. why do ppl hate it so much?
Elixir, creators of Evil Genius. That game rocked hard, even more fun than Theme Park was at the time. I only wish I'd been able to Splinter Cell my way through bases that I had built.

Troika, creators of heaps of great games. Vampire sticks out most in my mind.

Apogee, for all the way-fun games (Commander Keen!) they used to make before becoming the slothful "When It's Done" company it is now.
hofan41 said:
totally. i made half life 2 as a programming assignment in intro to graphics. its easy :eek:

on topic: i liked c&c: generals. why do ppl hate it so much?

got troll?

on topic:

didn't they also eat looking glass indirectly?
aznpxdd said:
WTF are you bitching about? Taking up Valve means much more than just CS. Incase you forgot, Valve makes the HL series, CS series and the DOD series...you know...three of the more popular franchises among PC gaming.

Seriously WHAT new game has Valve actually made.. Since HL1 which in all respect was mediocre at best.

The made Half Life 2 Wow 1 Game.

They Bought DOD mod
They Bought CS MOD

So imho they haven't made shit besides that pile steaming shit they call STEAM.

Lets Compare them to a Company like Bioware.. In the same time span it to took Valve to make HL2 how many games did Bioware make ?

Sorry they are tallentless hack simho. Lets not trash EA they do have some really good games. Still doesn't justify them making beta games.
Wrench00 said:
HL1 which in all respect was mediocre at best.

Ah yes, that must be why it sold over 8 million copies, received over 50 game of the year awards, and drew the blueprint for almost every FPS since.

So imho they haven't made shit besides that pile steaming shit they call STEAM.

What's wrong with it? Pissed off because you can't pirate Valve's games?

Lets Compare them to a Company like Bioware.. In the same time span it to took Valve to make HL2 how many games did Bioware make ?

How many people have Valve & Bioware employed over the years? How much of the work on Bioware's games was outsourced to other studios? Are any of those games up to the standard of HL2, or is it a case of quantity over quality? How many of them were developed from scratch?
Jade Empire, Kotor, BG2, NWN .

They were all very good games and done in house.

I'm sorry I didn't enjoy Half Life 1 as some have. I've played Hl2 but got bored quickly as well. My Boss had it on his computer but after playing for 1 hour I just realized its the same shit in new wrapping just like the rest of the FPS's out there.

Oh as far me pirating Valve software ? WHY? CS was ruined after 1.0 release. DOD was a niche market. And Frankly the replayability of HL1 and HL2 is nill. Same ending same story at least RPG's have replay value of more then 1.

If your accusing Bioware of outsourcing Valve is guilty as well.

Oh I buy all my games. I have more then ample money to spend on silly games.

I think to this day I have purchased at least 4 copies of NWN.
I was getting worried, its been a couple days since I last saw some good ea bashing! I was going into withdraw.

talley said:
got troll?

on topic:

didn't they also eat looking glass indirectly?

How do you troll a thread that is essentially a troll in and of itself? Is it circular or does one oppose the other? Food for thought!
Wrench00 said:
Omg the end of CS OEHS NOES... A mod that was gobbled up by a talentless bunch of hacks.. OMG the horror a bunch of talentless hacks taken over by a bunch of talentless hacks.
Well, those "talentless hacks" managed to do very well and create a very popular game. A lot of the original CS team was in college when they started work on the game so I think they did very well.
EA also ended the only reason why battlefield 1942 was popular... they bought Trauma studios. I was the end of the amazing rollercoaster that was called Desert combat.... what a game it was... man we had updates every 1 month and a half ... with new maps , new guns , new vehicles... all for free... when playing desert combat , you had to teamwork in order to win... it was great...

i miss DC...
arr4ws said:
EA also ended the only reason why battlefield 1942 was popular... they bought Trauma studios. I was the end of the amazing rollercoaster that was called Desert combat.... what a game it was... man we had updates every 1 month and a half ... with new maps , new guns , new vehicles... all for free... when playing desert combat , you had to teamwork in order to win... it was great...

i miss DC...

I agree RIP, Trauma. But in all honesty if I were Trauma I would have taken the green and ran to the bank too. Maybe on the way home would get a grape/coke slurpee...

Atlease EA doesnt charge for online BF2 action.
Wrench00 said:
Omg the end of CS OEHS NOES... A mod that was gobbled up by a talentless bunch of hacks.. OMG the horror a bunch of talentless hacks taken over by a bunch of talentless hacks.
valve > ea + bungie combined
urbsnspices said:
I agree RIP, Trauma. But in all honesty if I were Trauma I would have taken the green and ran to the bank too. Maybe on the way home would get a grape/coke slurpee...

Atlease EA doesnt charge for online BF2 action.

i would maybe have done the same myself... but why EA stopped the support of DC? they could have done the same as CS but for the battlefield format... i would have paid for more release of desert combat... i think DC final was not a good ending... it was fun but not what i expected...

oh well... trauma is now working under a different name for a new game... without EA , check frontline fuel of war
Wrench00 said:
Jade Empire, Kotor, BG2, NWN .

They were all very good games and done in house.

I'm sorry I didn't enjoy Half Life 1 as some have. I've played Hl2 but got bored quickly as well. My Boss had it on his computer but after playing for 1 hour I just realized its the same shit in new wrapping just like the rest of the FPS's out there.

Oh as far me pirating Valve software ? WHY? CS was ruined after 1.0 release. DOD was a niche market. And Frankly the replayability of HL1 and HL2 is nill. Same ending same story at least RPG's have replay value of more then 1.

If your accusing Bioware of outsourcing Valve is guilty as well.

Oh I buy all my games. I have more then ample money to spend on silly games.

I think to this day I have purchased at least 4 copies of NWN.
It sound to me like you dislike the entire FPS genre rather than just valve. That's fine, but bashing a company that the majority of the gaming community thinks is a pinnacle is going to call down some flames. I dislike RPGs and MMOs personally, but I'm not about to say Bioware sucks because I dislike the genre they happen to create.

If you're pissed about the quantity of games that Valve releases, iD and Epic are probably guilty as well since they, you know, develop the engines that all the other FPS games utilize to save time. Studios don't only develop games, the ones I've mentioned tend to develop the back end stuff that other companies use that lets the other companies push out games at a much faster rate.

Man, if they would stop doing that and just pump out games everyone would be all set... oh wait, then we wouldn't have an engine for those games to run on.


Seriously, go back to your RPG and/or MMO and stop saying FPSs suck because YOU don't like them.
Yeah no shit. You don't like FPS then fine but don't go mouthing off trying to start a flame war because that's all that will happen.

I love Valve, I do. They will likely never have anything to do with EA because they have Steam, whereas EA has a POS imitation. EA just needs to be shut down by some catastrophe, that would be the highlight of the year.
Spaceman_Spiff said:
How do you troll a thread that is essentially a troll in and of itself? Is it circular or does one oppose the other? Food for thought!
You've blown my mind, sir.

Rest in peace, Looking Glass Studios.

And Frankly the replayability of HL1 and HL2 is nill. Same ending same story at least RPG's have replay value of more then 1.
I've played the original at least five times and the sequel two or three times. Like a fine cabernet sauvignon, Half-Life grows better with time. It marks the dawn of a new era, not because it was particularly revolutionary, but it was the right execution of an amalgamation of all the good aspects of PC gaming from an infant company formed from defected Microsoft programmers and modders.
A moment of...maturity, please. I think there's been enough whine. :rolleyes:

EA is a private company. So were the smaller studios. They didn't have to sell, but they did. And you're blaming EA. Get a clue.
Deathjester said:
EA slaughtered Ultima Online
I could not have cared less about U:O. It's pushing a very buggy U:IX out the door and then canning Richard Garriott/Lord British that I will forever loathe EA for.

And why the hell haven't they released NCAA Football for the PC since, what, '99?

I'll still buy some of their games, but they really need to remove their craniums from their rectums. I really hope MS's new "Games For Windows" campaign helps resolve a lot of the problems we consumers experience from lackluster development.

It's a shame that so many good companies have become extinct at the hands of EA's aquisition, mismanaged bloatiness, and greed.
topcat989 said:
dynamix, creator of tribes 1&2, IIRC. RIP. :(

A big RIP to Dynamix. My name is has certain influence to it in dedication to their closing even.

But to set things straight, Dynamix was owned by Sierra, which was owned by Vivendi, not EA.

Still a horrible death

No more ultimas = god dammit.

Let's not forget the practically dead point-and-click adventure genre. No more day of the tentacle, grim fandango, quest for glory, monkey island. None from LucasArts anyway. Some guys had to leave their jobs at Lucas just to get another Sam and Max developed.

PC gaming is turning to shiat. Gee, look at this game. It's got a completely new way to shoot people. Innovation enough, I suppose, for the SLI touting fps whores. People are more concerned with benchmarks these days than playing their games.
chaikovski2002 said:
For those small companies that brought us good gaming titles such as Wing Commander, Ultima, C&C Series..., and a good gaming experience with support and quality updates, until they got gobbled up by EA Executives. Here are some, I cant remember all: Origin, Westwood, Looking Glass, Black Box, Bullfrog, Criterion, Jamdat, Digital Illusions. I hope EA goes to hell for that. Id rather buy quality games from smaller companies. Also, EA tried to gobble up Ubisoft and Epic, say bye bye Splinter Cell and other good titles if that ever happens.

The game company i work for worked on Wing Commander, Ultima, and many other great games.

Can't personally say that I have worked on any of those gems, but i definetely feel blessed to work around great game olbies in game development industry.