A new counter-strike?

People complain about lack of realism in games but if games were perfectly realistic then everyone would be complaining.
CS 1.6=for competitive gamers, and casual gamers who enjoy scrimming other teams often.

CoD=for people who can't aim, can't bunny hop, wants to point click and kill people across the map because they can't handle recoil patterns, thinks that their game is more realistic because health charges up after 5 seconds.

CoD4=Even with the health charging up like that, CoD4 is still more realistic than Counterstrike. Its a brave new world! You can actually go prone, crouch, use the sights on your weapon and everything! Reload times, reloading animations, and weapon models are far more realistic than they are in Counterstrike. Weapon damages compared to one another are certainly more accurate. BTW, recoil in Counterstrike is often more pronounced than it is on the real weapons. M4's and M16's for example have minimal recoil. A P90 has half the recoil of an M4 carbine.

CS 1.6=Elitist snobs. People shooting while bunny hopping automatically disqualifies your game from any arguments pertaining to being realistic.

Neither game is super realistic. So that discussion should probably stop right here. If either game was super realistic they wouldn't be as enjoyable as they are to their respective audiences.
CoD4=Even with the health charging up like that, CoD4 is still more realistic than Counterstrike. Its a brave new world! You can actually go prone, crouch, use the sights on your weapon and everything! Reload times, reloading animations, and weapon models are far more realistic than they are in Counterstrike. Weapon damages compared to one another are certainly more accurate. BTW, recoil in Counterstrike is often more pronounced than it is on the real weapons. M4's and M16's for example have minimal recoil. A P90 has half the recoil of an M4 carbine.

CS 1.6=Elitist snobs. People shooting while bunny hopping automatically disqualifies your game from any arguments pertaining to being realistic.

Neither game is super realistic. So that discussion should probably stop right here. If either game was super realistic they wouldn't be as enjoyable as they are to their respective audiences.

reread my post, never once did I say CS is more realistic than CoD4. My other points still stand.

oh and btw 99% of the people that complain about bunny hopping in 1.6 either: can't do it themselves, or don't know what it is. Of course you can shoot while bunny hopping in 1.6, you can do that in CoD4 too. The difference is, you can't kill anyone in 1.6 while bunny hopping with a gun because your bullets don't go straight.
oh and btw 99% of the people that complain about bunny hopping in 1.6 either: can't do it themselves, or don't know what it is.

99% of statistics on the internet are pulled out of someone's ass. I'd say a lot of folks simply think bunny hopping is retarded in any game.
99% of statistics on the internet are pulled out of someone's ass. I'd say a lot of folks simply think bunny hopping is retarded in any game.

not every number is a statistic, I was trying to make a point. If people actually played the game they wouldn't be complaining and would realize that there's absolutely NO POINT in bunny hopping in 1.6 unless you are going down a hill. They patched the game a long time ago so that you no longer gained speed with continuous strafes. CoD4 is a different story.
Who the hell even cares about bunny hopping anymore, people who are bunny hopping have predicatble movement patterns and while airborne have a predictable landing spot making aiming easier than if they're just on the ground.

Its only people who cannot aim and track targets that complain about this, learn to aim well and you'll be thankfull people are bunny hopping.

And Im not talking about this CS rubbish, that's not aiming, most CS players are just leaving their crosshair at head height constantly and pre-firing around a lot of corners. Go and play a real mans game like instagib for UT or Quakelive (free) and practice with the hitscan weapons.

Back in the day people bunnyhopping in UT instagib where dead meat, easy killin' if you ask me.

When i was a kid the price of stamps were *mumble, groan mumble, complain*
bunny hopping screwed up the time to get to the choke points, so a team full of bunny hoppers could get better position.

TF2 is great, so there's no reason to play CS anymore, at least for me.
Who the hell even cares about bunny hopping anymore, people who are bunny hopping have predicatble movement patterns and while airborne have a predictable landing spot making aiming easier than if they're just on the ground.

Its only people who cannot aim and track targets that complain about this, learn to aim well and you'll be thankfull people are bunny hopping.

And Im not talking about this CS rubbish, that's not aiming, most CS players are just leaving their crosshair at head height constantly and pre-firing around a lot of corners. Go and play a real mans game like instagib for UT or Quakelive (free) and practice with the hitscan weapons.

Back in the day people bunnyhopping in UT instagib where dead meat, easy killin' if you ask me.

When i was a kid the price of stamps were *mumble, groan mumble, complain*

I know what you mean, i haven't played CS in a long while, but one time i played was 2 years after the last one. Of course i couldn't keep up with the current hardcores. But then noticed their style, they barely aim at all, they basically just have the map and guns memorized. So i changed tactics and put them in ambush situations (Note, i don't camp, they have all the camp sites memorized) and flanking maneuvers. It was 4 hardcores vs 2 strangers, seems that the guy i got paired with had the same idea and after getting pwned for the first five minutes, we turned the tables on them for the next hour.

Their aim and knowledge of the maps were good. But their reaction times were sh!t if you come at them with flanking maneuvers. And they were a very... noisy bunch. (The other poster was right, the community has degenerated into a huge bunch of d!cks). For a solid hour, the two of us (who don't even know each other) were dancing around them.

Seems the current CS generation plays CS like it was Quake3, or whatever Deathmatch games you play these days.

I don't like bunny hopping either, and the developers repeated attempts to remove it despite being an inherent bug in the engine shows that it's clearly not how they wanted their game to be played. Bunny hopping takes away the tactical aspect of the game. Yet when i bring it up, the other players brush it off. Apparently, their idea is that when someone cheats, it's your fault because you don't cheat. Basically, the one that knows the most bugs wins. Refusing to lower myself to their level, i moved on to other games.
Why don't they come out with a new counter-strike? 1.6 and Source were amazing sellers so why wouldn't the influence be there to make a new one?!?

They do have a new CS.

It's called Call Of duty 4 - Search and Destroy.

Try it
They don't need a new CS because CS was never about the graphics or emersion it was about the simple to play lifetime to master gameplay. I spent 4 years playing that game like others play MMO's. It was a lot of fun. I have memories of being the best over and over again on pubs, thinking I was hot shit. Then playing in a CAL league and getting my ass handed to me over and over again.

CS is just a fun game. How do you improve on it? Any tweak to the game (like going prone) will start to mess with the gameplay elements that made the game incredibly popular in the first place.
are there any fps game out there similiar to CS in terms of gameplay, but with better graphics?
Bunnyhopping hasn't been an issue since the 1.5 -> 1.6 update came out, as it's really not that beneficial to do it anymore. As for getting killed by someone who's bunnyhopping, I don't think I've barely ever been killed by anyone doing it in 1.6. In CSS, that's a different story though as it's really easy and helpful to do but more so for getting to spots quickly, not as a method for killing people LOL.

COD4 is a horrible game as far as competitive aspects go, in comparison to CS it's very easy. CS is largely based on getting headshots. In COD4 Leagues they play on a config with HC on, making it so you pretty much don't even need to hit people in the head as two shots in the leg will kill someone thus making spray more effective.

Prone in my opinion is horrible, and the lack of it in CS is one of the reasons I play it. The competetive communities in COD always seem to die out very quickly, league/tournament sponsors etc only really pick it up because it's a new game. CS came out in 1999 and it is still one of the most popular and competitive games out there.
Bunnyhopping hasn't been an issue since the 1.5 -> 1.6 update came out, as it's really not that beneficial to do it anymore. As for getting killed by someone who's bunnyhopping, I don't think I've barely ever been killed by anyone doing it in 1.6. In CSS, that's a different story though as it's really easy and helpful to do but more so for getting to spots quickly, not as a method for killing people LOL.

COD4 is a horrible game as far as competitive aspects go, in comparison to CS it's very easy. CS is largely based on getting headshots. In COD4 Leagues they play on a config with HC on, making it so you pretty much don't even need to hit people in the head as two shots in the leg will kill someone thus making spray more effective.

Counterstrike is fun but it has MAJOR problems as far as distributing damage, more often than not I find myself hitting someone 3 or more times and only doing 20-60damage.
COD4 HC mode is a lot more challenging and more realistic. Think of it, getting shot twice in the legs as you stated would pretty much do most people in, you couldn't move on the battlefield therefor you would most likely die, if you did not receive medical attention as soon as possible.
Counterstrike is fun but it has MAJOR problems as far as distributing damage, more often than not I find myself hitting someone 3 or more times and only doing 20-60damage.

CS has no problem distributing damage. Damages are based on how far you are away from your enemy and whether they are direct or walled damage. Nobody is making the claim that CS is more realistic than CoD4, I don't understand why people have to state it over and over again.
Counterstrike is fun but it has MAJOR problems as far as distributing damage, more often than not I find myself hitting someone 3 or more times and only doing 20-60damage.
COD4 HC mode is a lot more challenging and more realistic. Think of it, getting shot twice in the legs as you stated would pretty much do most people in, you couldn't move on the battlefield therefor you would most likely die, if you did not receive medical attention as soon as possible.

In a video game, I'm not looking for whether it is realistic or not. I look for gameplay, skill to play the game, competition and enjoyment. I'm not arguing realism here.. I'm talking about gameplay. COD4 takes a lot less skill to play than CS, and there are a lot of aspects that I don't enjoy, therefore I don't like it. I don't think anyone can deny that it takes less skill to play COD4 than CS.

CS has no problem distributing damage. Damages are based on how far you are away from your enemy and whether they are direct or walled damage. Nobody is making the claim that CS is more realistic than CoD4, I don't understand why people have to state it over and over again.

CS:S, BF2, best online FPS gamz ever, can’t stop playing them.
Apparently, their idea is that when someone cheats, it's your fault because you don't cheat. Basically, the one that knows the most bugs wins. Refusing to lower myself to their level, i moved on to other games.

QFT...Every time I fire back up CS, I remember why I quit playing it. It was like that from my first days of playing it (beta .6) though.
CS has no problem distributing damage. Damages are based on how far you are away from your enemy and whether they are direct or walled damage. Nobody is making the claim that CS is more realistic than CoD4, I don't understand why people have to state it over and over again.

Sorry I just can't agree with that, There has been many times where I have shot someone in the head with a shotgun at 10 or less feet away and they have not died (sorry helmet or not your going down) and killed me instead, and I am pretty sure you have too.
CS is the purest FPS - that's why it will always remain on top while other flavor-of-the-season games keep appearing and disappearing. Not to say those other games aren't great...but CS will always be around for a reason.

I agree that another batch of maps needs to be released and I think the Steam platform itself should follow suit with some others and implement an achievement system for all Steam release games.
I agree that another batch of maps needs to be released and I think the Steam platform itself should follow suit with some others and implement an achievement system for all Steam release games.

This would make it a console friendly FPS... CS is supposed to be about honing your aim and learning the weapons, (how to throw nades, strategy, teamwork etc). I disagree with you that Steam should implement a global achievement system. Just my opinion. :cool: