A new enhanced version of "The Withcer" coming in May

Jun 1, 2005
source: http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/news/444.html

The leading idea during the development of the Enhanced Edition of The Witcher is to create a game that is devoid of all "first-time" problems found in the premiere edition. The Witcher was received very warmly by both the players and the media, but we are well aware that it is not a product without its faults. There was just not enough time to perfect certain elements, while we learned that some things needed to be changed from the players themselves. Now we have the opportunity to introduce changes that will allow The Witcher to provide even more fun. I hope that, as a result, the game will come even closer to the ideal RPG game

The update will be made available to users who have already purchased the game, for free:D
Nice, I haven't picked this one up yet. Seems to be a little more than a simple patch, too. Wish we could get this kind of support out of other devs.
Hmmm, I'll definitely be buying this when the special edition comes out. The main reason I avoided this game was because I heard of all the bugs and the long loading times.
I really tried to get in to The Witcher -- really tried. Wanted to like it. I was forever confused as to where I was going, what needed doing, and all that sort of thing. I may go back at some point, as massive hardware updates like I'm currently running make me tend to do, and give it a second try, but... my over-all impression was anything but as rosy as many of the reviews and people here would make it out to be.

Maybe this enhancement thing will make it more palatable.
I really tried to get in to The Witcher -- really tried. Wanted to like it. I was forever confused as to where I was going, what needed doing, and all that sort of thing. I may go back at some point, as massive hardware updates like I'm currently running make me tend to do, and give it a second try, but... my over-all impression was anything but as rosy as many of the reviews and people here would make it out to be.

Maybe this enhancement thing will make it more palatable.

I found the game got significantly better after you get out of the outskirts and act I. It took me a while to get into it as well the first time. It turned out to be one of the best RPG's I played in a long time.