A Picture I Took - 2008

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I got a free camera about a month or so ago a kodak Z812 IS its not the greatest camera but its the nicest i have owned so far... waiting on my bonus check to get a d-60

Anywho heres a few pictures a got of my husky and the womans italian greyhound


tokey43074, that Husky photo is great, keep um coming.

compslckr, that beach photo is really nice, I love the colors, any details on camera set up? Thanks
Raw Photo processed with photomatix and photoshop cs3

Canon Rebel XT
Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens
F/22 @ 1/125 second
ISO 100

Great bird shots! I find birds very challenging.

Those are some nice birds you've got going too there darktiger! ;)
Depends. Once you have the right equipment such as a 400mm lens or 200mm to 300mm one for shooting behind a blind, it gets easier. The rest is all about knowing our subjects as such as when and where they would show up. :)

Great bird shots! I find birds very challenging.

Those are some nice birds you've got going too there darktiger! ;)
Depends. Once you have the right equipment such as a 400mm lens or 200mm to 300mm one for shooting behind a blind, it gets easier. The rest is all about knowing our subjects as such as when and where they would show up. :)

Well, equipment is not a problem. Problem for me is I like to hike and search out my subjects - not enough time to sit and wait for them. I hope some day to be in a better position time-wise
Black Crowned Night Heron looking for dinner

Looking For Dinner... (Amazing that these guys can see through the greenish water.

Let Me Call the Fish....

Got One..

I think this one is big enough....

Now, watch me eat...
Here is one that I took the weekend before last at my brothers wedding. I am still wading through the picks and cleaning up. Seems that my sensor was completely dirty so on some of them the specs really come out.

Water Slicing 101---American Black Skimmer

I am your Instructor

Here we go....

The Approach..nice and low...not too fast

This is what you shouldn't do...too messy..

That's how it is done...

Now do it from right to left..

American Oystercatcher

Great Egret

Snowy Egret
Well I am playing around with my AB800. These are some of the mask I picked up in Venice, Italy


A couple quick pictures when I was walking around today.


The flower looks kinda like it has maggots in the center, kind of cool.


Was kinda cool to see that effect between the buildings, had to get a picture.


This was one friendly swan...too bad about the quality of the water, gross.


I really liked how this picture turned out, first time I got to use my neutral density filter.


The old railroad walkway that you used to get to the opposite side..a little rotted away I think.
The Chicago pics make me sad..... I just left there after 4 years.... love that city, its so photogenic too
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