A Picture I Took - 2008

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This one was takin by my wife while we were at Disney. I love the way it turned out.

That is what the exif says. I could of swear that I did a 3 second exposure. But it was late at night and I was switching to different settings....
I love that shot of the moon! Very cool

Thanks, its from a 1983 era Vivitar 400MM manual focus in Nikkor mount, not bad for 35 year old tech =)

On your flickr site I asked ya a Q about the desk you use.
Some quickies on the way to pick up some mail... please comment on flickr if you want to leave some c&c.

First time hanging out a window to capture motion

The car




Great shots Dark. Did you put those in the Transportation thread at POTN? Also, is that a straight 250 or is that the R? Very nice ride..
You do some really nice work, are you professional? This shot is really artistic, something I would hang on my wall. How long wa sthat exposure and I'm assuming this is at dusk?

Either 20-30 seconds, most likely 25seconds. I think it was at f/11. No I am not a professional, but enjoy this hobby a lot. Now it's time to go shoot more models :)

I am into landscaping, I am going to big bend in two weeks. So hopefully I can get some good shots. I am also beginning to get into strobist stuff. Now that I am done with my mba and actually have time to dedicate.

Thanks for the comment. I usually put up weird things on my flickr account. What type of photography are you into?

[IMG.]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3135/2899750770_c63b350e18.jpg[/IMG] [IMG.]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3157/2898902565_aa970d2e30.jpg[/IMG]

^ good stuff

random shot of my niece

I shoot mostly motorsport/automotive stuff



^^ Awesome shots, what is that in the first photo and what kinda bug is that?

My first post here so hope you guys enjoy it. Taken in China in the mountains of my father's hometown. Nikon D60, 18-55mm lens (beginner :[ please forgive!)





^^ Awesome shots, what is that in the first photo and what kinda bug is that?

My first post here so hope you guys enjoy it. Taken in China in the mountains of my father's hometown.

Nice shot as well! The first shot is a rolled-up price sticker, the second one...I have no clue, it was just sitting there on the outside of my house so I took a picture.
Need to get away from flowers, but have gotten somewhat good at taking pictures of them.


I shot todays NY Giants Game with my Nikon D300 and 18-200VR from the mezzanine not expecting much, and am relatively happy with the results, plus the giants kicked the snot out of Seattle so that was good!

If anyone cares, full set is here:

Took over 500 photos, edited 146 and will probably print a couple dozen.
If you like the photos, please view the slideshow set on Flickr or leave some comments :)

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