** A Picture I Took - 2009 **

this little guy's been eating my sister's carrots all year long now :D




@Ripskin, care to explain what went into this photo?

Thank you, and not at all.

Its an HDR, sadly there is a ton of noise in the clouds added from the lack of data for them. I started with 3 RAW's and the noise was unbearable so I split each of those RAW's into 3 files .25 of a stop apart and made that HDR out of them. Tone mapped for contrast vs crazy colors and it worked out just as I wanted. Except for the noise. I really need a gradual ND filter, or to nab more low light shots.
Hope you don't mind but I cleaned up the noise a little bit.



Thank you, and not at all.

Its an HDR, sadly there is a ton of noise in the clouds added from the lack of data for them. I started with 3 RAW's and the noise was unbearable so I split each of those RAW's into 3 files .25 of a stop apart and made that HDR out of them. Tone mapped for contrast vs crazy colors and it worked out just as I wanted. Except for the noise. I really need a gradual ND filter, or to nab more low light shots.
Random macro shot of a big ass moth I took the other day. Just thought it was a cool looking bug. Thing was about 4 inches tall on the wall outside. Big pic and file shot in jpg mode on a Canon Powershot G9..... I should shoot in raw more but often times dont need that for quick shots up here at my work.

^^^ holy crap! That thing looks incredible! I love pictures of bugs - very sad I wasn't there for that. :)

...man, I can't wait to start shooting macro again! My Tamron 90mm is supposed to be in tomorrow, and weekend after next I'm going w/ some friends to Calaway Gardens in Atlanta, where they have a butterfly house among other macro-friendly attractions. Should be loads of fun!
I dont know that the hell it is - I wish I did. It's a wicked cool looking moth. My shop has been in this same location for a few years and there is a big light on the wall out there thats on all night. It always attracts some moths and bugs and there are usually some hanging around in the morning when I get here. That is the first and only time I've seen one quite like that guy. I have seen a few others that were interesting over time and I usually will come in and grab the camera and try to get a good shot or 2 when I do spot a cool one.

Edit to add - a quick search found it. It's a Luna Moth....

A few samples from my last shoot. Still going through the pictures.

Hope you don't mind but I cleaned up the noise a little bit.

Lol beat me too it. Was working on the same thing myself. The origional one is straight after the 9 image merge, no other processing. My clean up one is only half done, got busy landscaping :eek:.

Looks good. Whenever I get mine fixed i'll just overwrite the origional since yours looks good hehe.
this thread needs a rule that after each picture posted, the poster must tell what camera, lens and aperature/shudder/focal length was used.. some of the shots are amazing and I keep asking myself the same question over and over... whats he using to get pictures like THAT?
I just wish people would include the exif data when they covert.
lol, its both and you know it
Yeah to a degree I suppose. I've seen beautiful shots taken with sub $500 set-ups and embarrassing shots taken with $5k+ set-ups so yeah, both can make a difference in the outcome. I'll admit though, people who delete EXIF data upset me. Sometimes I do get curious what body/lens they're using.
I have to agree... try and do everything possible to atleast leave the exif data. I am one of those people that likes to look at it and see what you were using.
Meh, I'm not actually sure if the setup I use leaves or removes the exif, but I personally don't want everyone who looks at my work knowing how it was created - if I wasn't too lazy to figure it out, I would be one of the ones deleting exif. I like to keep people in suspense, and if they can look at an image for several seconds and not figure it out, that's mission accomplished! Besides, most of my stuff is so heavily post-processed by the time anyone sees it, that the original camera info is nearly irrelevant.
Very nice DOF in these! What camera/lens (mostly just the lens, specs and settings) were you using?

Meh, I'm not actually sure if the setup I use leaves or removes the exif, but I personally don't want everyone who looks at my work knowing how it was created - if I wasn't too lazy to figure it out, I would be one of the ones deleting exif. I like to keep people in suspense, and if they can look at an image for several seconds and not figure it out, that's mission accomplished! Besides, most of my stuff is so heavily post-processed by the time anyone sees it, that the original camera info is nearly irrelevant.

Lol. ;)
lol - see! If he didn't want to tell me, that was his business! It's an artist's right to maintain the mystery if they so chose! :p

This thread isn't really the best example, I suppose, since it's largely a group of enthusiasts sharing information. I'm just saying in general that I don't like the concept of exif data attached to every file I produce.

If anyone is familiar these shots are right near desert hot springs the flowers are quite lovely right now


I'm using a canon 20d with misc canon glass but in these I'm using the 16-35 2.8
Drove down to Malakoff, TX yesterday to cruise the thrift shops and check out the old buildings, many of which have long since fallen to pieces. It was very cool and I wish I had gotten waaaay more pictures.



Sugar says 'HI! PET ME NOW!'