** A Picture I Took - 2009 **

Here are a few pictures from my trip to Madison, WI for my sister's graduation. I got some pretty good shots, especially considering that these are all done on a 2 year old Sony ultracompact. All of these shots were lightly edited in Lightroom 2. I would love some constructive criticism on these because I am stepping up to a DSLR sometime this year.


The giant Wisconsin Capitol.


Some cool looking flowers on campus. Shot with macro focus on my camera.


Phallus of footballs...pretty neat.


In a restaurant with a carnival theme. My sister is in the bottom right corner looking at something interesting.


This mural was in an ice cream restaurant called the Chocolate Shoppe. Some of the best ice cream I have ever had.
Meet "Bob."

Bob is an Eastern Box Turtle. Second year I have seen him in our back yard.

I would love some constructive criticism on these because I am stepping up to a DSLR sometime this year.

For starters, try to avoid cropping people on their joints (e.g: your sister's neck). You had the right idea in showing an interesting subject and someone looking at said interesting subject, but there just needs to be more of her in the frame. A vertical composition might have worked.

I'll toss in a panorama:

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Found this guy while testing out my pawnshop find. OM mount Vivitar 135mm 2.3

I took a small break from my packing/moving/etc. Here are some quickies. I will post more when I find some time. Moving sucks :(

I did this shoot with 8 lovely ladies and no sleep for almost 2 days(long story). So I was pretty tired, but I guess I can get creative when I do not sleep....

I like the first shot, good sense of action. The doesn't really do anything for me though.

More macros







100% crop of that last one for those interested:


Taken with a reversed 50mm f1.8.
wow, wardlaw, great action shot! That first one has "nade-spamming" demotivational poster written all over it. I have to agree that the composition/cropping on the second one doesn't really hold up, but still a nice sharp look to the photo.

Raikiri, really nice macro's. I still have no idea how to reverse a lens. gotta figure out if any of mine will work like that...

JohnyNapalm, what kind of lighting are you using? These portraits do have a really nice look to them. Were you just using the sunlight, or strobing as well?
trying out new things:



25 second exposure, while zooming in from 14mm to 24mm gives a pretty cool effect:
Been away for a bit. This is why.


I'll be taking his baby photos as soon as his umbilical cord comes off.

(This is for you z(+)diac, I know you missed me)
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What was the shutter speed and aperture of that first one? I really like it. What city is that?

3s @ F4 :)

If you use Firefox you can get a plug in that shows the exif info, I think it's available for other browsers too.
I'm an idiot, quoted myself instead of editing, sorry for the double post!

Raikiri, really nice macro's. I still have no idea how to reverse a lens. gotta figure out if any of mine will work like that...

You get an adapter that screws onto the lens like a filter would, usually cost about £5.
You put the lens on as normal, set the f/stop to something like f/13 and then remove the lens while holding the DOF preview button (in order to keep the aperature at a contant f/13).

Any lens 20-80mm would be well suited for it, the wider the lens the more magnification you can get but the clower the focussing distance. If you're using the built in flash anything wider than around 28mm is very hard to light due to how close you have to be to the subject.

I would also recommend a diffuser for the flash, I personally a copy of the very good Gary Fong Puffer but I'm not sure if these are still available... something about copyright, patent infringement :p
Here are a couple pics from my daughter's recital last week (she is not in them):


Nikon D3, 28-70 f2.8 @ 70mm, 1/200, f2.8, ISO 6400, handheld



Nikon D3, 28-70 f2.8 @ 60mm, 1/160, f2.8, ISO 6400, handheld
Here are a couple pics from my daughter's recital last week (she is not in them):


Nikon D3, 28-70 f2.8 @ 70mm, 1/200, f2.8, ISO 6400, handheld



Nikon D3, 28-70 f2.8 @ 60mm, 1/160, f2.8, ISO 6400, handheld

Damn! ISO 6400 .. I'm so jealous. I can't even shoot past 400 with my D80 otherwise it gets grainier than this. Nice pics "PS-RagE". I'll have that setup one day :rolleyes:. (maybe in a thousand years.)
Here's a couple. Both are taken with a Sony Cybershot P&S, upgrading to the D40 quite soon:



lol gtg465x are you serious. if that username is legit you will be receiving some emails. I am going have to start carpooling :D

Hahaha, I kid. I wish it was! :D Had a few of you goin' there for a second...
^^^ Great shots, Vic! First one with the Lilly-Pads is my fav.

To Prim and FLECOM: try to watch what you say about Danboard. You never know when he could be standing right there behind you...
Kids and cotton candy do not mix


Camera Model: E-510

Flash Used: Yes (manual)

Focal Length: 31.0mm

Exposure Time: 0.017 s (1/60)

Aperture: f/5.1

ISO Equiv.: 200

Nice kitty :)


Camera Model: E-510

Flash Used: No

Focal Length: 300.0mm

Exposure Time: 0.0100 s (1/100)

Aperture: f/5.6

ISO Equiv.: 200


Date/Time: 2009:04:13 11:43:11

Resolution: 1024 x 768

Flash Used: No

Focal Length: 70.0mm

Exposure Time: 0.0020 s (1/500)

Aperture: f/7.1

ISO Equiv.: 200

Belize Zoo

Camera Model: E-510

Flash Used: No (auto)

Focal Length: 300.0mm

Exposure Time: 0.020 s (1/50)

Aperture: f/5.6

ISO Equiv.: 400

Exposure Bias: 1.00

Whitebalance: Manual

Light Source: Fine weather

Metering Mode: spot

Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)

Exposure Mode: Auto bracketing