** A Picture I Took - 2010 **

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@botw and PC_user. Yeah I shoot for the school paper no way I could afford those seats. First motion blur was intentional. Thanks for the C&C I will up some more when I get out of this damned lab.
Sunset on New Year's Eve

heres the most recent one


and since someone asked about the processing, heres a before/after

Thanks guys.....It was challenging to capture the snow storm in an interesting way given that everything is blurry white and a lot of the shots are pretty much black and white too....
Cool processing John -- kinda like a gradient?

Well its been awhile since I posted anything so please forgive the longer than usual post, I really haven't been up to much but this is some of my latest work. I finally got around to creating a facebook page too

[H]ella|[H]ard;1035309802 said:
SilverMK3, are those shot with the Sigma 105mm 2.8?

They sure were!
It was mounted to my cheap film camera though (Canon EOS Rebel G), because my T1i is off with Canon getting the flash hotshoe fixed. I really can't wait to get my DSLR back; It'll be interesting to see the difference that the 1.6X crop factor makes, effectively turning it into a 168mm Macro. I don't know how that will affect magnification, if at all.

I'm having a lot of fun with it, but I'm still trying to decide if I should have gone with a UWA instead.
They sure were!
It was mounted to my cheap film camera though (Canon EOS Rebel G), because my T1i is off with Canon getting the flash hotshoe fixed. I really can't wait to get my DSLR back; It'll be interesting to see the difference that the 1.6X crop factor makes, effectively turning it into a 168mm Macro. I don't know how that will affect magnification, if at all.

I'm having a lot of fun with it, but I'm still trying to decide if I should have gone with a UWA instead.

It won't effect magnification at all, though it will effect field of view.

Macro and UWA are both tons of fun. You definitely need both ...
Last time I was in Dallas when it snowed/iced, it was total bumper cars. Saw about 20 wrecks between DFW and downtown.

We got another foot in DC this week and my neighborhood street is impassible to ordinary vehicles. (i.e. my Honda can't make it up the hill) so I am stuck working from home as I can.
I've lived here in Dallas for 3 years now, this is the most I've seen in that time. We've already gotten about 5 inches since last night, and it hasn't let up. Here's a few more...


Lol, up here on Vancouver Island (western Canada) we've had one afternoon with about 3" of snow so far this winter, it rained and was gone the next day though... I even bought snow tires after last year's mess. What a waste. :p
Here in PA we just got hit twice in a row. About 14 inches the first time and 16 or so the second. I need to get out and take some pictures but its cold out there! haha
Here in PA we just got hit twice in a row. About 14 inches the first time and 16 or so the second. I need to get out and take some pictures but its cold out there! haha

My company's head office is in Horsham, PA. They got hit pretty bad on Christmas Day; our data center blacked out for a good 6hrs because of an ice storm and they were running on generator power for the next couple of days. I was up here in jeans and a tshirt driving around in the sun! :D
It's hysterical that we are about to start the winter olympics with no snow in Vancouver and DC has well over 3 feet, which has just about totally paralyzed the city this week.

See my 2/8 post for pics of my neighborhood before the second storm with another foot of snow...

@Johny Napalm: Like both of the new ones. I think the first could use a slightly different color treatment but overall I really like it. New meaning for snow angel.
Thanks guys. BOTW, I'm at work, and this monitor has a funky color cast. I'll reprocess that angel when I get home.
Two shots from Doi Inthanon:


still waiting on my friend to ID this little guy, unless any of you happen to know

A few of mine from last night. Went for a darker mood on them. Probably should lighten them up some more but ran out of time lol. Took them all around 1am after I got home from work. Decent bit of snow for Dallas. Makes me want to go visit my parents in Denver though for some Skiing...






Took a few others but have not processed them yet.
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