A Picture I Took - 2011


Shells on Flickr


Road through the Park


Moar Shells
Fading Phoenix, those shell pics are really cool looking! Love the textures and composition in those.

Here's a few more shots from my travels this summer.



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A few over viewing Duluth MN from the Enger tower area:




A few down by the lift bridge area:





Not sure what this guy is shooting with...thing was massive. This was a hip shot.




A few from Goosberry Falls State Park: (sun was not on my side today:()











A few from Split Rock Lighthouse MN:



This didn't turn out like I wanted, looking up into the lighting element, and the whole works is moving...Outside pic below...



Some old buildings in Two Harbors MN



From my trip in Chicago recently with my daughter and g/f. 'ND' under the picture denotes a picture my g/f took.















Hey internet friends! I'll be in Vegas from the 1st to the 8th. WOOOO! I will have many pictures to share when I get back.
nice pictures everyone. i need to move somewhere more interesting, or travel. i feel like I've taken pictures of everything around me that I wanted to. haven't taken any for over a year :(
Wow these pictures make me want to buy a DSLR and pick up photography as a hobby. Thanks for sharing all.
EDIT: Stupid Flickr never works around here...

This is what I do. I post the links into MS Word (if it is multiple), then I paste the flickr link into this thread, I know it does not show, so I edit link and select advance. In the miscellaneous options, I uncheck "Automatically parse links in text" and "Automatically embed media.....", then repaste the bbcode, then save... it works after that... it is one additional step in the process, but easier than hand coding it....
*snipped from my blog*

As a trial-by-fire for my new lens: a Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM, I took it (and only it) to a family get-together to see if I liked it any better than my recently sold Canon 50mm f/1.4 USM.

Without getting into details on FoV Crop Factor, sensor sizes, and projection circles, a 30mm lens on my camera is supposed to provide an angle of view roughly the same as the human eye. Ie: it is not ‘zoomed in or out’ compared to what I see in real life. Being a prime lens, it doesn’t have the ability to zoom in closer to my subjects or zoom out for a wider shot; it depends on my feet for that!

So with the creative juices flowing and a small herd of somewhat willing subjects, I spent the evening chasing my son and nieces around the yard. Here are some of the results, all shot wide open at f/1.4 except the fourth one was at f/1.8!








Overall I’d say I’m VERY happy with the lens, focus is sharp and accurate, albeit a little slower than what I’m used to with the 85mm f/1.8 and 17-55 f/2.8. I’m loving the focal length, however, and the bokeh is buttery smooth!

I can’t wait to try it out on some full-size subjects! ;)
Nice... I looked at the Sigma a while back but got a 35L f/1.4 and love it.. I am still deciding on the Canon 50L f/1.2 or the Zeiss 50mm f/2 MP... but there are pretty good rumors that Canon will release a 50L f/1.4 sometime soon.... that might be tempting too... That 50mm f/1.4 while not a bad lens, it is not awesome either...
Yeah, I was honestly a little disappointed with the Canon 50mm f/1.4... The micro-motor USM was a little indecisive in low light, not as bad as the 50mm f/1.8, but not as good as I'd hoped. Plus, I never really got used to the focal length which surprises me because I have a lot of shots at 55mm on my zoom; but it really just felt odd to use.

It seems strange to me that Canon's 50's are getting slower as time progresses. Not that the 50mm f/0.95L was all that useful wide open, but the progression from f/1.2 to f/1.4 seems odd.

I'd never be able to use a long-ish manual focus lens on my body but your viewfinder is bigger & brighter than mine, have you tried the Zeiss? With a split focusing screen? The Sigma 50mm f/1.4 is supposed to give the 50L a run for its money if you're willing to play the Sigma lottery. It seems I lucked out on mine, especially since I can't micro-adjust! :D
This is what I do. I post the links into MS Word (if it is multiple), then I paste the flickr link into this thread, I know it does not show, so I edit link and select advance. In the miscellaneous options, I uncheck "Automatically parse links in text" and "Automatically embed media.....", then repaste the bbcode, then save... it works after that... it is one additional step in the process, but easier than hand coding it....

Thanks! Seemed to work.
Awsome pictures everyone!
Just some random pictures I took over the last 3 or 4 days.
Long billed-Dowitcher's



This is 10% of the orig file size:


Hawkins Mine, Nashwauk Minnesota.
Awsome pictures everyone!
Just some random pictures I took over the last 3 or 4 days.
Long billed-Dowitcher's ...

Very cool shots Ziggy! The clouds and the Crane (or whatever that is at the end) are both really great compositions.

Wow - have to say you outdid yourself w/ that first shot. Pure elegance!

... Hawkins Mine, Nashwauk Minnesota.

Ooo - nice landscape too.
Not my ranch, but a nice afternoon and evening with the horses and stacking hay with barbeque afterwards....





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Love the second one, Ben; really captures the atmosphere.

Here's a couple from the last couple of weeks:

Are you guys using longer shutter times to capture the lightning or? Cool pics!
Nice work! Long exposure or lighting trigger?

13 sec exposures. That one picture took about 300 shots and a couple hours drinking beers while sitting in a chair in my garage watching an intense lightning storm and pushing the shutter button every 13 seconds.

What kind of camera you got there buddy? I have a T2i that took my lightning pic.

T3i! I definitely used this camera on a tripod with the screen flipped out to review the pictures after they were captured while still sitting comfortably in my chair.
Your picture was awesome though, I'll hopefully see something similar without the lightning this weekend when I'm in the city for Lollapalooza! Cross my fingers in the 4 years I've gone it has never rained or stormed.

Are you guys using longer shutter times to capture the lightning or? Cool pics!

Initially I started with 5 sec exposures, ISO 100 and an aperture of around 8. Manual focus extended all the way to infinity. After I got a few well lit pictures so I could actually tell, everything looked blurry. I backed the focus back a bit. After about 5 more minutes, I got tired of pressing the shutter every few seconds and had yet to get a picture come anywhere close to being overexposed so I jacked the shutter time up to 13 sec and there it stayed.

All in all it was the second best lightning storm I ever sat through. The best was a few weeks ago at Electric Forest Music Festival in Rothbury, MI. But then again that was under different circumstances...
Not being a professional and concentrating on the camera instead of the post processing, I had not yet learned the value of playing with individual channels in the levels command. Dunno why I had a blind spot.

The difference it can make is subtle yet powerful.

I've been taking some stock sunsets simply to practice on. Here's one before/after, moving the white point for the red and blue channels down about 20-25%.


Add this to my hue shift "aha!" moment from a couple weeks ago with the rainbow pony. :)

Not being a professional and concentrating on the camera instead of the post processing, I had not yet learned the value of playing with individual channels in the levels command. Dunno why I had a blind spot.

The difference it can make is subtle yet powerful.
Add this to my hue shift "aha!" moment from a couple weeks ago with the rainbow pony. :)


Ah, that is a cool tip! I don't think I'd ever noticed the channel-selector in levels module either, and I've used that module thousands of times before. Will have to keep that in mind in the future.

Though these days I do very little in Photoshop. Most of my editing and color correction is done in LightRoom or Raw Importer where you can do the individual color adjustments. In PS, about all I do anymore is add a curves layer and/or more spot dodge/burn or heal/stamp-tool cleanup.
Testing the macro lens adapter with my daughters brush and a water bottle.



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