A Picture I took - 2012

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That first picture really didn't show the scale(I thought those were boot prints at first) until I saw the second print and said "woah!" Nice series on those glacier shots!

Woah, At first I thought those "ripples" were small cracks in the ground, turns out they're massive!

OldDeadOne said:
[That first picture really didn't show the scale(I thought those were boot prints at first) until I saw the second print and said "woah!" Nice series on those glacier shots!

Yeah, that's why I took the series - I knew the scale wouldn't be apparent from the first image. Those guys are the specs at the lower left third/third point of the first image.

It is a glacier, after all.... :)

I was using the modeling lamp of a einstein and PLM.... my 50L did the rest at f/1.6...
^I know I should compliment the obvious, but that is one sick background? What is it? Backdrop? Wallpaper? Kudos on the light again and the choice of black and white conversion. Of all the recent work from you, I have to say I like this one the most.
Thanks northrop... that is just pattern fabric stapled to a wooden frame.... I have a few 4x8ish wooden framed panels that have different patterns stapled to them... (cheap portable backgrounds)
That's a really awesome idea. Btw. it might just be me, but the asymmetric cropping is really bugging me, lol. (Three stripes on the left, and four stripes on the right). This is just me being weird, though, the photo is still awesome. Congrats dude, you're extremely talented.
Last Seattle area sunset for a while - yeah, just another sunset, but wth...

at Rosario Beach

Too early:

getting better:

Here we go...

A friend lands...

(had to crop this one by about 40% - only had my 24-105 on )

...and stands watch:

(switched to the 100-400 for this one)
The more he grows, the more he is DEFINITELY your son.... You have strong genes.... :)


Smitty, this is at the Udvar-Hazy up in DC, right? Been a couple years since I've been there last.That's a nice shot... I need to look up and post the pano I shot of an SR-71 at the Pima Air Museum just outside of Tucson, AZ.

Very very nice Smitty!!
Thanks :)
You have photographed what I considered to be the most incredible/beautiful aircraft ever built.
I'm an amateur, I have to photograph pretty things to make good pictures!

Smitty, this is at the Udvar-Hazy up in DC, right? Been a couple years since I've been there last.That's a nice shot... I need to look up and post the pano I shot of an SR-71 at the Pima Air Museum just outside of Tucson, AZ.

Yup! I just live down the road... well like 20 miles down the road.

Thanks for all the kind words, this was the first time I ever felt inspired to do any processing like this
Depends on your eyes. But, the short answer is yes. The photo probably was "Photoshoped" but I really hate that word, as the "Photoshoping" I was referring too was probably things like color correction, curve adjustment, possibly contrast, and things of the like.

That 'term' doesn't really accurately describe what it is intending to, which is a "doctored" or "altered" photograph inserting things that weren't originally there. Sorry for the rant, dunno, it's just one of those pet peeves I have.
The photo was edited in Lightroom. This means I didn't falsely add or remove anything. But I did enhance what the camera captured. I'll post the original shortly.
Yep I understand, and when I said Photoshopping, i mean hard-core Photoshopping. Lightroom adjustments are essential :)

I would be curious on a pre/post shot with LR adjustments if you are willing to share. There is a great thread at Photography-on-the-net like that and I think your shot would be a good contribution!
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