A question of symantics.


Dec 11, 2004
Call me Grammar (not grammer please) Nazi, call me whatever you want.....but i just NEED to get this off of my chest:

People who use 3rd party tools or certain "cheat codes" to gain an advantage within a game are NOT hackers. They're cheaters and nothing else but cheaters.

A hacker has nothing to do with cheating or a cheater or the act of cheating AT ALL. Whoever used the term "hacker and "hacking" to identify a cheater should just be stabbed in the eye repeatedly imho.

Thanks, now all eff off.
And i don't even give a crap how it's spelled, but yeah thanks, you're right.
I think technically a hacker is simply one who hacks, and they may or may not be hacking with the intention of cheating.

It isn't always applicable to the person who is cheating to call them a hacker, but it isn't always inapplicable either.
This should be in the grammar section of the forum

Oh wait...
ok, nevermind, none of you even got the point, but again, i don't care as i just needed to get it off my chest.
I use MSE and found that it's pretty light-weight and works extremely well.
A hacker was originally a compliment. A person who could be given something complex, step in, and transform it to his desires. It was used in praise during the early days of computing, a great programmer would be called a hacker.

But these days it usually refers to those engaged in illegal activities instead of idle hobbyists.

The use of the term has changed further in gaming where "hackers" often have NO KNOWLEDGE of how to implement the modifications that allow them to break the game design. They are just kids who've downloaded software from the actual hacker who wrote it. Downloading and running a program is trivial, and the term "hacker" doesn't apply, hence the OP's ire.
its in the wiki. Hackers break into systems just to see if they can get in. It's knowledge thing. Then a lot of them contact the database admin to let them know what happened and how they got in. This is how security holes are discovered and corrected with Microsoft quite a bit.

Crackers( Yeah I said it foo) are hackers with a malicious intent to damage the integrity of a property usually for the purpose of gaining notoriety or money.

People who use the cheats are assholes and people who use game cracks are just pirates.

nothing to see here move along.
Call me Grammar (not grammer please) Nazi, call me whatever you want.....but i just NEED to get this off of my chest:

The "grammar not grammer" bit is hysterical given your disregard for the misspelling of semantics. I figured this was a clever thread title for "best AV to use for a gamer" or something like that.

I disagree with your assessment that all cheaters are nto hackers. Those who figure out many cheats do hack the game, especially when it comes to creating a trainer or something like that.
I guess you just read some "Hacking for Dummies" book, and are regurgitating the whole self-righteous "hackers are knowledgeable people who only do good, and should be categorized as so" sort of arguments, that are always in the prefaces?
I dunno, most "cheaters" are just using a tool they downloaded that performs a hack. They arn't doing the hack themselves.

That being said, they definatly arn't true "hackers", maybe script kiddies at best.
I guess you just read some "Hacking for Dummies" book, and are regurgitating the whole self-righteous "hackers are knowledgeable people who only do good, and should be categorized as so" sort of arguments, that are always in the prefaces?

No i did not read "hacking for dummies" nor am i a hacker neither do i think they're good or bad people. I simply think cheaters should not generally be credited for intelligence they don't have.

And yeah i'm happy that my spelling error caused some chuckles for some of you. I'm old enough to laugh about my own mistakes.

PS: english is not my first language either.....
"Hacker" has become a common term used for someone who uses a program in a multiplayer game to his/her advantage.

"Cheater" is a common term for someone who uses a code enabled by the developers in a single player game to his/her advantage.

This is how I see it.