A question regarding how long to keep documentation


Limp Gawd
Jun 4, 2004
I've kept a habit of holding onto every PM/email/IM message log related to any of the sales I did in the FS/FT forums over the last few weeks. Most of the transactions have completed successfully with positive heatware being exchanged. I'm wondering, how long would you guys hold onto the transaction documentation before considering it safe to delete? I'm worried that positive heat isn't necessarily the end of the line and it would be possible for the buyer to still pull a "fast one" after that point.

So what would you guys do?
I'd say if the buyer paid with money order, the deal is over. If he paid with paypal, I would keep ALL documents for at least 45 days (the amount of time they can chargeback I think)
After that, I'd say deal done. Of course if I had extra space for PMs I would keep as long as I can before deleting.
If PayPal was used, keep everything a minimum of 45 days...that is the time period in which a dispute can be filed ;)