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i wasnt too blown away but i find the graphics nice and gameplay online fun. if you cant decide, rent the game to see if you like it or not. and no i have not even touched the campaign. and yes the controllers are a pain to getting used to.
Lots of reviews are saying that graphically its the most impressive shooter to date. What game actually has impressed you?
I love the game.The controll feels sluggish for a reason.You have a real gun in your hands and a shit load of gear on.You actually feel like you have the gear on and the gun in hand since it does slow down your movement.That is how it should be.

Very good game,graphically the best shooter on any console that I have played.It makes cod4 look like a PS2 game
I played the demo and the graphics are good, but I'm not blown away by them. The art style creates a nice atmosphere, but it doesn't look like the textures are very detailed. Game seems blurry vs sharp. I know MGS4 wasn't real 1080p, but it looked sharp. It does seem like they have AA in KZ2 though which is nice. I hate the controls of this game though, it made me hate the PS3 controller, until I realized it was the game. If the controls are realistic, but do not make the game fun, then whats the point? I tried changing the sensitivity many times, but the controls still don't feel right.
I love the game.The controll feels sluggish for a reason.You have a real gun in your hands and a shit load of gear on.You actually feel like you have the gear on and the gun in hand since it does slow down your movement.
Real gun? Really? I thought it was a game. :eek:
I played the demo and the graphics are good, but I'm not blown away by them. The art style creates a nice atmosphere, but it doesn't look like the textures are very detailed. Game seems blurry vs sharp. I know MGS4 wasn't real 1080p, but it looked sharp. It does seem like they have AA in KZ2 though which is nice. I hate the controls of this game though, it made me hate the PS3 controller, until I realized it was the game. If the controls are realistic, but do not make the game fun, then whats the point? I tried changing the sensitivity many times, but the controls still don't feel right.

Try changing the control style.

Why? Its an experiment. I'm glad it doesn't feel like yet another arcade-y console shooter. I can't stand most console shooters, arcade-y ones especially. I can't do twitch shooter actions with a controller so a game like KZ2 is perfect for me.
I pulled the demo down the other day and was actually pleasantly surprised by the fact it did not take the usual four million years to download that just pulling a PS3 firmware update generally seems to require.

Originally I never had any interest in Killzone 2 at all, beyond wanting to see how close it would come to the original trailers for the thing. But as the release got closer I actually started to want it. In part, I think, because the original reason I bought my PS3 (Gran Turismo 5 ) has yet to materialize, and while I have found a good number of truly excellent games to play on it in the last 18 months or so, I was wanting more.

Yes, I am well aware of GT5 Prologue, I bought both Japanese and US releases and right now it sucks and has me genuinely worried that the full release is going to be the first let down in that series history.

But I digress …

I think Killzone 2 is a very pretty game, if not quite as graphically impressive as I expected (based on the hype, not in comparison to other games). The only graphical thing really that I can criticize is the depth of field effects. They are a little jarring and really look more like the textures are loading slowly than the way depth of field changes have been handled in other games. It is still damn nice to look at though.

The intensity of the demo segment, short as it maybe, bodes well for the game as a whole.

Sadly the feel of the controls is bloody awful. I am aware of the arguments about realism, weight and bulk of equipment and so on … and they are, frankly, pointless. The controls feel “off”, plain and simple. If this really is intentional, then the developer simply should have provided an option for more traditional feeling controls, either way they need to fix it one way or another.

It most certainly does NOT feel like I am wearing Class IV body armor, with front and rear trauma plates and carrying an M4. It just feels sluggish, and then once it IS moving it feels too fast. Do not go on about realism either, a SINGLE .223 in the face is terminal … so either be realistic end to end, or do not use it as an excuse for broken controls.

Seriously, the controls felt so bad I actually though maybe my controller was screwed, or that there must be a dead zone setting with a default setting of half the possible input deflection. But no … it is just the way the game works. Did not matter how I set the sensitivity, it was just frustrating to try and play.

I am talking game-killing … for me at least.

Fix the controls (and while you are at it, turn off the fucking head-bob crap, or at least give me an option for it), I will purchase it enthusiastically; otherwise it will be just another “could have been great” titles for me.

I did not have these issues with Resistance, or any other PS3 game I have played through, and that fact that I am not the only person complaining about it at least lets me know that I am not imagining things.

If the controls work for you FANTASTIC! For ME (the only reason I buy games) they ruin what otherwise looks to be a standout title.
The graphics get better as the game progresses. I'm in the third level now and the environments are some of the best I've seen in a game, very Bladerunner-esque.

The controls are frustrating, but you can get them down to a usable level with some tweaking. There's still times where I'm a pixel or two off and try to do a minute adjustment only to be a pixel or two off in the opposite direction... but the rest of the game makes up for it so far.
been playing the game for a bit now, and i think it looks better than any other on any console. and like most i have issues with the controls, but i think the control issue would greatly benefit from the FOV being pulled back slightly i just feel as though i am to close to objects and other characters in the game. i think a better FOV would give me a better feel to the controls.

game play is fun and challenging fairly a typical story line for a shooter, not being able to carry more than one rifle, assault weapon is a pain, it would be nice if you carry a shotgun and machine gun, sniper file and another weapon other then the hand gun.
So far it's pretty fun. My main issue is with the controls, in that the turning acceleration is too high. It makes it easier to make slight adjustments, but it's such an action-packed game, it's more useful to be able to spin quickly toward an enemy, and with the control scheme the way it is I end up overturning a lot of the time.

Also, the box says it runs in 720p and 1080i, but the game only ever runs in 720p for me. My TV is capable of 1080i/p, and the PS3 is set to use 1080p. How do I get 1080i working?
I do not own a PS3, but KZ2 I have been following for a while. Just to play devil's advocate, it sounds to me the whole "realism" argument may be a cover up, or part of one to not stress the engine any further, as it may chug or something. Amidst the fanboyism and hating, I've never seen this brought up. Feasible?
I do not own a PS3, but KZ2 I have been following for a while. Just to play devil's advocate, it sounds to me the whole "realism" argument may be a cover up, or part of one to not stress the engine any further, as it may chug or something. Amidst the fanboyism and hating, I've never seen this brought up. Feasible?

Not when they told us what they were aiming for a long time ago. Its not like whole "realism" and "weight" thing was given to the public at the last second.
I definitely think the "realism" argument is bogus. If you bump the sensitivity slider all the way up, it's actually very similar to most twitch shooters. The issue is that it makes the crosshair really jumpy no matter how gradual the motion might be.

The FOV is a little unusual which probably IS a little more realistic...but it's not that different from most other games. Reminds me of FEAR 2's.

Framerates stay steady no matter what happens. Having played a 32-man level with turrets, grenades, missles, etc. all going off at once - there was no framerate drop, and even the latency remained steady.

Controls are really the only full-on issue I've had...and I'd like to think a patch would easily fix 'em.