A64 3000+ C0 Stepping / 1.3v @ 1993MHz


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 15, 2000
Is this considered pretty good, to be able to run a C0 stepping A64 3000+ @ 1.3v

I haven't even gone further down yet, mostly because I haven't had time. I bet I could go even lower...

I have been running at the above voltage for 3+ hrs w/Prime95 running in the background, as well as running Far Cry for awhile as well. Everything appears to be good.
ToyYoda03 said:
why though? a64s are cool enough

Because, there's no sense in running a CPU at 1.55v when it runs perfectly well at 1.3v

It dropped 7 degrees C because of the lowered voltage.
you might be able to do 1.25v... with my 3200+ clawhammer, i normally run it at 2ghz and 1.3v unless i'm gonna do some cpu intensive gaming, then i pop it back up to 2.4ghz.. i never really feel the need to put it any higher.. this being an a64 and kicking ass at gaming and all :D :D :D
(cf)Eclipse said:
you might be able to do 1.25v... with my 3200+ clawhammer, i normally run it at 2ghz and 1.3v unless i'm gonna do some cpu intensive gaming, then i pop it back up to 2.4ghz.. i never really feel the need to put it any higher.. this being an a64 and kicking ass at gaming and all :D :D :D

Agreed. This thing is damned fast...

I'd rather have an uber-stable machine running at low-voltage, more than anything else.
I don't know if there is any truth to this, but it was said around here once that lower voltage forces higher amperage to get the same amount of watts needed, and that it's not a good idea to run lower than specified voltage.

Likes I said, I dunno what truth there is to that, but it makes sense to me and my little tiny bit of electronics knowledge.