A64 owners do you run Windown 64bit edition?

performance benefits for the average user are, at the moment, virtually non-existent. i'm still with 32-bit XP
nope. i tried it twice and gave up! Printers didn't work etc...and the big one...no virtual cdroms. that means no daemon tools or alcohol120

I also saw a big performance leap in gaming in cs source and boot up times, multitasking, etc....perhaps it was the placebo effect and it wasn't actually much faster. perhaps my brains was just assuming it's fster due to xp64
USMC2Hard4U said:
Well I say if you have a system with alot of ram, and more than one Processor, Yes. I greatly benifit because of my Dual Cores. The OS has the processor sceduler from Server 2003 and can handle multiple threads of data better. Also the Memory management is alot better. IT uses more of your system memory if you have it, less paging, more effecent addressing etc...

So does it = better performance. Well with words like Improved, and effecent... i would say the answer speaks for it self. However.. I will say the performance increase is neglegable.... i mean its not somethign you are going to notice IMO. XP64 to me is way smooth and nice :) but I dont know how much that has to do with the OS.. or my 2GB of ram and 2 A64 CPUs....

In my opinion, I would buy it if you were building a new setup like I did. I didnt have an OS... legally to put on this box... my 32 Bit Xp is on my older p4 machine.... so I needed a new Licence. Instead of spending 160$ on an old os, I spent in on a new OS that works perfrectly with my 32 bit software, and will run new 64 bit software and keep me up to date until Vista is offically released.

Alright cool stuff to hear, I was hoping it was something along those lines. I'm sure it will be negligable no matter what without re-writing the OS completly, but it just handles todays hardware a bit better. I'm sure my 2GB of ram would benefit. I woulda sprung for the X2, but when I bought my San Diego, only high end X2's were out. Maybe I'll upgrade in a year or so.

Would be nice to get 64bit edition on here now, but the whole reformatting thing is a pain when you have alot of apps. Do you have your whole rig with you when your over in the middle east? I just invision the military guys living in little barracks in the desert, but then again I don't know alot about the whole thing.
I installed it and encoutered multipler errors, hangs and crashes. I decided to stick with XP Pro until 64 bit starts to become the norm. I will warn you though, that my experience with reinstalling XP Pro after I had x64 was less than pleasant. I had to perform a secure wipe of my hard drive with Hitachi software because the boot sector was corrupted beyond repair. I hadn't read anywhere that you can't install XP Pro after having x64 (even a full format reinstall), but YMMV.
n64man120 said:
Alright cool stuff to hear, I was hoping it was something along those lines. I'm sure it will be negligable no matter what without re-writing the OS completly, but it just handles todays hardware a bit better. I'm sure my 2GB of ram would benefit. I woulda sprung for the X2, but when I bought my San Diego, only high end X2's were out. Maybe I'll upgrade in a year or so.

Would be nice to get 64bit edition on here now, but the whole reformatting thing is a pain when you have alot of apps. Do you have your whole rig with you when your over in the middle east? I just invision the military guys living in little barracks in the desert, but then again I don't know alot about the whole thing.
Naw, when i was deployed I just had my iBook. I just bought this rig with the money I made out there. I voluenteered to deploy so I could save up my money for this Machine :)
the@ntipop said:
I installed it and encoutered multipler errors, hangs and crashes. I decided to stick with XP Pro until 64 bit starts to become the norm. I will warn you though, that my experience with reinstalling XP Pro after I had x64 was less than pleasant. I had to perform a secure wipe of my hard drive with Hitachi software because the boot sector was corrupted beyond repair. I hadn't read anywhere that you can't install XP Pro after having x64 (even a full format reinstall), but YMMV.
Holy crap, man that would suck. I was planning on downgrading from XP Pro 64 to XP Pro 32 this weekend (or even to Win 2k Pro) and figured all I'd have to do is throw in the CD, boot up, and instruct the PC to format and install.

Has anyone else gone from 64 to 32 bit and encountered the problem the@ntipop did?
the@ntipop said:
I installed it and encoutered multipler errors, hangs and crashes. I decided to stick with XP Pro until 64 bit starts to become the norm. I will warn you though, that my experience with reinstalling XP Pro after I had x64 was less than pleasant. I had to perform a secure wipe of my hard drive with Hitachi software because the boot sector was corrupted beyond repair. I hadn't read anywhere that you can't install XP Pro after having x64 (even a full format reinstall), but YMMV.

Interesting. I had problem with my Hitachi on x64 too. I use an Hitachi 7K250 160GB drive as my main system drive (or used to) and whenever i would installed X64, after a few hours to a few days, x64 would start to hang while booting, then get worse over a few days untill it would no longer boot at all, and needed a reinstall. This never made any sense because the Hitachi software said the drive was fine, and it workd fine once windows had loaded.

After a month of trying, i just installed windows on my WD Caviar SE 320GB drive, now it runs 100% perfect. After reading your post, im starting to wonder if theres a flaw in hitachi hard drives?
gotkilled said:
nope. i tried it twice and gave up! Printers didn't work etc...and the big one...no virtual cdroms. that means no daemon tools or alcohol120

I also saw a big performance leap in gaming in cs source and boot up times, multitasking, etc....perhaps it was the placebo effect and it wasn't actually much faster. perhaps my brains was just assuming it's fster due to xp64

Woah! No virtual CD roms? This is the first time I am reading about this. Right when I was about to take the plunge. I gotta do some more reading on this. I love A120%! Damn!
I've been running XP 64 for about five months in it's current incarnation. I was part of the 'Microsoft Beta Review Team' for about two years, so I saw it through most of it's stages, from back when it looked almost exactly like Server 2K3-64 up until now. Personally, I like it quite a bit, but it's not without it's drawbacks. Memory usage is about 80-100MB higher than before, however EVERYTHING is cached, so things run much, much smoother. I have yet to experience a single BSOD on my latest Image. Even the older Images did not get BSOD's. The only time I ever had issues was when I was modding .MSI files to install 32-bit code on the 64-bit O.S., and even then the O.S. was still stable. Games seem to be about a wash, as the 64 bit drivers are still a little behind the 32 bit releases. Any true 64 bit game seems to have a little more eye candy, but not enough to really write home about. The system really shines with multitasking, and most things happen at a near instant rate.

I have yet to see the corrupted boot sector that you folks have been talking about, but I use Ghost for almost all of my Images, and the boot sector gets re-written every time I Image the box.

The only major downside is the lack of printer, scanner, and odd peripheral drivers. HP printer drivers come to mind, as do any scanner I've tried, and especially the Hauppauge drivers. Conexant really fucking sucks for laying up on this. However, Conexant has pulled this shit before, most notably when we switched from 9x kernels to 2K kernels. They really need to get their heads out of their asses, as they make high end consumer equipment, and this is a high end consumer O.S. One other note, I've had some strange behavior when initiating large FTP transfers for Image files (1.5+Gb). I'll occasionally get timeouts when I know it's not network related. Anyone else had this problem?

I use it, and I've had no driver problems or system instability. I've had issues with installing some older games and programs. Otherwise its been perfect. I've found either equal performance to XP 32bit and in some cases much better.
The only driver issue I've had is not having drivers for my 7800GTX's VIVO functions. Other than that none at all. If you've got top quality name brand hardware made within the last two years, your set for the most part with Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
I'm not but I am about to upgrade in about 15 mins. The reassuring thing is that I KNOW that I won't have compatability problems for daily use. I removed 16bit support on my 32bit edition of Windows, and I have had no problems at all. So yay for that.
xp 64 kicks...... I have a dual boot system, XP x64 Pro and XP Pro. I havent had a need to boot into XP Pro for a while. Luckily the Brother Laser printer we use is fully supported in x64.

After completing tests, All my programmers have jumped over to XP x64 as I indetified a minimum 20%+ boost in performance while compiling code.

In a short, the file system and explorer in XP x64 deliver the boost we need.
As much as I would like to , it has just taken me so long to get my current Windows install "perfect" all my programs , registry , drivers ect are just the way I like them. At the moment I just cant justify moving to XP64 , it would require starting from scratch again and thats something I want to postphone as long as possible.
I own the 64bits windows but went back to 32bits because lake of driver and software support:

Epson scanner - Checked with Epson by phone, no 64bits driver planned.
Logitech MX510 mouse - No schedule on 64bits driver, work like a normal 400dpi mouse with M$ default driver.
ActiveFax - Cannot create virtual printer, I can't fax with it directly from other software.