a8n-sli overclocking good?


Oct 21, 2005
hey i am thinking of buying the asus a8n-sli motherboard

please give me some heads-up on the overclocking and day-to-day usage virtues and vices
or even recommend another mobo

thanks in advance
well...im sure others will recommended other boards...but i use that and havent had a problem yet....

OCed my 3200 to 2.4GHz...didnt want to go further cos im still on stock cooling....for now :p
The various A8N-SLI boards are very good for overclocking. They're just not good for 'extreme' overclocking, because they limit the amount of increase you can make to core voltage levels.

If you only want to time the thing down the quarter mile strip there's better choices to be had, but if you actually want a stable, reliable, high quality overclocked system to use as a computer then the Asus boards are as good a choice as any you could find, IMO.
built 1 a month ago with a 3200 venice and corsair xms ram 2/512 sticks and had the board 1 to 1 with the cpu at 245 htt multiplyer at 4x and ran at 2.5,3,3,7 and 1T.the system flew.no crashes very stable and the now owner is still running it at that with a cooler off a fx 57 with the heatpipes.it was at 30c idle and 38c full load.
i even had cool and quiet running.all stock voltages.it was a great running setup.i hated to give it to the guy i built it for.im running an asus a8n-e now and this thing runs beautiful.fast,stable,good bios,perfect layout.i personally couldnt ask for anything else from a motherboard.oh well some uv colors like dfi and some colored led's on the board so my windowed case looks cool.i personally like the asus a8n series of boards,built many rigs with these boards and hardly a problem ever poped up.cant say that for my dfi builds.and clock for clock at the same speed these asus boards are just as fast.never had an asus board take out a cpu with default settings like my expert did on a startup.thanks dfi.had to be something i did cause in the perfect world of dfi i couldnt be a bad design.there are just a bunch of professional idiots out here that this has happened to.dfi has seen my last dollar.check out the forums at xtremesystemsforums and see how many people have lost cpu's on a startup with the expert pos board.ask pcdoc1 about his wonderful expert experience.dfi need to admit their mistakes and correct them and compensate those who got burned using their fine product.........
If you are using UCCC memory such as G. Skill DDR500 HZ 2GB, the Asus boards are not friendly.
I have the non deluxe board and there's no options for chipset voltage. I can't get my opteron 144 over 288 FSB, upping the core voltage does nothing.
I got an extra 300-400MHz out of my 3000+ when I switched from an a8n-sli to my DFI board. And yes, my rig is plenty stable.
thanks for the quick response ppl

i was just wondering if the a8n-sli would be able to do ddr600
i researched and theres only a handful of mobo's that can do this
i also read on the techpowerup site that the ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 was capable of overclocking the amd64 3000+ to 2.7GHz (300HTT)

anyone know if the a8n-sli would be able to do that?

i bought this mobo already, but now im choosing cpu