A8N-SLi Premium and Voodoo 3 PCI?


Jun 15, 2003
So I finally made the jump into the dual core world, but alas I am not able do make the PCI express video jump as of right now. Sooo I am limited to a few options, 1 being a faithful Voodoo 2 and the the second being a Voodoo 3 3500. I am just somewhat curious as if any True TRUE [H]'rs here have ever ran an old PCI v-card on any of the current boards?

Current Specs: (post board and chip getting here on Thurs, 5/25 :D)
Asus A8N-SLi Premium
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
2GB OCZ Gold XTC PC 3200
3DFX Voodoo 3 3500 :p

Previous Specs:
Abit IC7-G
P4 2.8C
above RAM
BFG 6800 GT OC
LOL are you sure onboard video is not as good as that old thing? Hahah j/p but I really miss those 3dfx commercials. Here is one of my favorites
i put an old S3 virge in a SLI-Prem (6800GT was dead at the time) and it didnt like it very much...
Well the sad thing is that I'm serious, for a little while anyways. Going to go for a 7900gt after the 2nd paycheck so lookin like I might get it in around June 3-8 :rolleyes: But like it or not as long as I can get some video and can test the parts I can wait a couple more for a descent v-card and I am thankful as all hell that I never chucked those old beauties :p.