A8N32: audigy in middle PCI goes snap crackle pop


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2004
Hi Guys,
build is basically complete and the system (see sig) is working well. However, when I try to use my audigy2 ZS that's plugged in between the sli 7800s, (and under the sli bridge) I get a terrible static for sound in games.

When I installed 3dmark, I think it installed a Open AI sound driver package and ever since the noise is there. I don't hear it when I'm in windows.

I've tried uninstalling the creative drivers, uninstaling 3Dmark (TERRIBLE uninstaller--nice going futuremark; its 2006: get with the program) running driver cleaner, re-installing. didn't help.

Could it be from the interference of the card being between the sli graphic cards? There's very very little clearance between the audigy and the bottom (PCIe1) eVGA 7800 but they do not touch. (yes, the single slot card with the massive wrap around heat sink.)

Or is this strictly a driver issue...

Thanks in advance for the help.
p.s. in the meantime, Im using the onboard AC'97
popgoestheweasel said:
Move it to another slot, I have problems with my Audigy2ZS when it is in the last slot on my board.
Because of the size of the eVGA heatsinks, I can't access any other PCI slot, unfortunately.
There was a member here who said that he wedged a piece of plastic between his GPU and sound card because the the space issue, I assume that these are dual slot GPU's because of the cooler. I've not done this or put a card in that slot, but maybe it is problem with the spacing, somehow causing interferance.

That's got to be a tight fit so maybe its worth a shot.
i would say thats the only issue with going with this card, is if you go sli you pretty much loose all your pci slots.
AthlonXP said:
i would say thats the only issue with going with this card, is if you go sli you pretty much loose all your pci slots.
well i put the audigy back in, carefully tightening the screw to separate it as much as possible. What I noticed is that the static (screeching, really) got worse as gameplay went on. Again, no problem with MP3s in windows. I now think it's a heat thing. There's only 4-6 mm between the back of the lower 7800 and the audigy. I'm going to mount a fan in the side of the case to blow right on that gap and we'll see what happens. If I leave the side of the case off, its really playable--not bad at all.