AA Broken on Warhead with 4870?


Aug 18, 2008
So Warhead runs pretty good on my 4870...well it looks good and I get around 25-30fps with mixed gamer/enthusiast settings. Last night I decided to try some AA to see how big of a hit it would take. With only 2x AA I was getting 3fps....it was weird. Now yeah it's a graphically intense game and the foliage is plenty so AA would tax alot of performance but 3fps!?

What I noticed is that the game looks like it really doesn't even need AA. I see very few jaggies. Whereas in the original Crysis you can def tell that the game needs AA badly...jaggies everywhere! So I'm thinking...could CCC be enabling AA by default somehow? Like I know it can triple AA settings so could this be on? Is anyone running Warhead with AA and seeing that the game doesn't really need AA?

I also played HL2: EP2 and got to the part before White Forest where Dog fights the big spider walker thing and noticed my fps dropped to like 30fps. I am currently running the game maxed out but I wouldn't think HL2 would tax my card that much....unless that 8x AA i enabled in the game is actually the 24x AA that the 4800 cards allow you to use.

Any thought?
I was personally not happy with Warheads performance on my 4870. I didn't touch the AA settings because I had the game set all on mainstream at 1680x1050. The game didn't feel smooth to me if anything was cranked up higher.
Warhead ran @ about 25-30fps for me on my 8800GTX with everything set to gamer @ 1920x1080 no AA. With 2x the frames drop to about 20-25fps. It wasn't completely smooth, but it was noticeably smoother than the original Crysis was. Honestly though I can't wait till I make a full Nehalem upgrade and get whatever bad ass video card that is out around then.
Well the game runs smooth with mixed enthusiast/gamer options...its just that when AA is applied in game it killlllls the framerate. Overall I'm happy with the 4870's performance in Crysis....it's just weird that AA would take such a huge toll on FPS....30fps to 3fps. But bleh...my 4870 died on me so I have to RMA it.

Also with reasonably priced cards being able to run the game smoothly...the multiplayer is really freaking fun. They also dumb down the graphics a little bit for the MP but it's worth it. Deathmatch sucks but power struggle is pretty fun. Cloaking brings a whole new meaning to camping lol.

Also anyone notice the game's lack of aliasing compared to the first one?
What resolution are you guys running running the game at with a mix of enthusiast/gamer settings? The game really lags for me if I have those settings.
I'm running it at 1920x1200. I will check what settings I have turned to enthusiast when I put my backup 4850 in. I know it runs pretty smooth at my settings...but it does bog down with like huge explosions and stuff. And I think the opening scene was like 17fps...but I wasn't playing so I don't care lol.
haven't tried it yet...


For ATI/AMD users
I found a post that discuss how you can use CFAA instead of CSAA (which nivida uses).
Here is what you do:
1. Add your video card's profile to the amd.txt:
(\Crytek\Crysis WARHEAD\Game\config\gpu)

0x1002, 0x9441, 4 // ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2
0x1002, 0x9440, 4 // AMD Radeon HD 4870
0x1002, 0x9442, 4 // AMD Radeon HD 4850
0x1002, 0x9508, 3 // AMD Radeon HD 3870
0x1002, 0x9504, 3 // AMD Radeon HD 3850
0x1002, 0x950F, 4 // AMD Radeon HD 3870 x2

2. Delete the information found in FSAAProfiles.txt to incorporate ATI's CFAA info found here (in quotes):
(\Crytek\Crysis WARHEAD\Game\config)

Version (1.00)

DeviceGroupID 'ATI'
VendorID = 4098 // ATI
MinID = 0x0000
MaxID = 0xFFFF

FSAAProfile 'CFAA'
DeviceGroup = ATI
Samples = 4
Quality = 0
Desc '4xMSAA'
Samples = 8
Quality = 0
Desc '8xMSAA'
I thought it was pretty jaggy actually, running at 16x12. I found that gamer settings with 2x AA forced in the control panel worked pretty well for me - seems strange that it would have such a hit from AA on the 4870, since that is supposed to have better AA performance than the 260.
Was gonna do more testing but my card fried lol. I've only had this card in for like 3 days...it started artifacting really bad and then gave me black screen with crazy artifacts. It was SUPER HOT when I took it out. Damnit if for some reason Visiontek doesnt warranty im gonna be seriously upset. Esp since I've only had it in for 3 days, haven't OC'd it, I didn't even do the fan fix....