AArgh Starcraft2 is here.. well almost

Blizzard game on steam? Unlikely...

Unlikely would be an understatement. Their entire battle.net system encompasses all their games. It's basically a mini-steam service for Blizzard games and all the online features are integrated directly into it.
Yeah, I'm betting on 3 years or so. That's how long I waited to finally buy War3 @ 19.99 :)
Why not? People pay way more than that over the course of a year to play WoW...hell, it's practically a bargain at 60 considering the depth of the game and its massive multiplayer cult. If you're not getting SC2, you're just missing out.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Why not? People pay way more than that over the course of a year to play WoW...hell, it's practically a bargain at 60 considering the depth of the game and its massive multiplayer cult. If you're not getting SC2, you're just missing out.

If you're not going to be playing it right away (which I wouldn't have time to) then there's no point in dishing out 60 right now. I'm not waiting for it to hit 20 or 30, but I wouldn't be surprised to see 45-50 at g0gamer a month or two down.
I was super excited about HL2 then disappointed cause it sucked...never buy games on day one anymore.

I disagree... I had to wait until I had the money to buy it (almost 2 years). In all that time I read, heard, saw all the hype over it. It's one of the few things, let alone games, that lived up to all that hype. The only thing that "sucked" was the ending, but that's because it left you hanging so much.

I can't wait for my SCII CE to arrive. Very excited to play the campaign! :3
To people complaining about $60 and game-play/content you obviously haven't played the first or never gave the game a chance, because the core single and multi player is only half of the game. The community and custom user maps/scenarios alone will make this game worth every dollar you spend and probably wont even have to purchase the expansions to experience the content that will developed by the mod community for the next 10 years.... DOTA, TDs, RPGs. Just youtube half of the crap that has already been created during the beta and you will be in awe. The new engine allows anything people are already developing FPS, Co-op, and I am sure someone is making their own version of World of Starcraft already....
Not complaining about paying $60, but it would be kind of dumb to pay 60 bucks now, if I'm not going to get to it for a few weeks/months anyway. If in that timeframe, it's still 60, hey no big deal, definitely know I'll get my money out of it. But if during that time, someone sells it for 10-15 bucks less, hey, I'll be glad I didn't jump on it right away.
Not complaining about paying $60, but it would be kind of dumb to pay 60 bucks now, if I'm not going to get to it for a few weeks/months anyway. If in that timeframe, it's still 60, hey no big deal, definitely know I'll get my money out of it. But if during that time, someone sells it for 10-15 bucks less, hey, I'll be glad I didn't jump on it right away.

Id be interested to see those "other" sites that sell blizzard keys that activate fine in the blizzard store, and the prices on it in a few months.
Same, I've had good experiances buying keys off one site (g2play I think it was called), prices were awesome and keys gave me no problems registering to my blizzard account.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Id be interested to see those "other" sites that sell blizzard keys that activate fine in the blizzard store, and the prices on it in a few months.

That may be problematic since the keys are going to be region locked.
I know for a fact that a Russian SC2 is going to sell for $17, but will be limited only to Russian Battle.Net and only going to have 4 months of the online play included, unless you pay $17 more to get into European Battle.net.
My collectors edition is scheduled to arrive Tuesday I must admit I have not been this excited for a game in a long time :)

I cant trust shipping companies with something as prescious as my sc2 CE lol. Ive got mine on order with my local EB games, only place in my town that does pre-order, and there only 2 min from work :D
mine is pre-ordered at gamestop and im gonna go at midnight. im on call so that will suck if i get a call when im out!
I cant trust shipping companies with something as prescious as my sc2 CE lol. Ive got mine on order with my local EB games, only place in my town that does pre-order, and there only 2 min from work :D

The same shipping companies deliver to businesses, too... :rolleyes:
The same shipping companies deliver to businesses, too... :rolleyes:

While that's true... my fedex and UPS drivers tend to lollygag and show up in the evening at my house.... I've even gotten the brushoff when the website said it was to be delivered a certain day "Oh, we couldn't make it yesterday, so we had to bump your delivery 1 more day"

Yeah, no thanks on that...

I'll be at GS at midnight on monday :) Tuesday is going to suck
but they might break the precious!! or lose it :D That and doing pickup means no shipping fee's

I like having Amazon Prime with Release Date Shipping. After getting enough shipped through Prime, SC2 CE will be shipping for free.
I like having Amazon Prime with Release Date Shipping. After getting enough shipped through Prime, SC2 CE will be shipping for free.

if only, im canadian so our online options arn't as good lol. Pretty much if you want it shipped add on $10 for ground or 20+ for air :p Unless the company gives you a free shipping deal, sometimes bestbuy does this.
if only, im canadian so our online options arn't as good lol. Pretty much if you want it shipped add on $10 for ground or 20+ for air :p Unless the company gives you a free shipping deal, sometimes bestbuy does this.

It'd be nice for Amazon to offer Prime for Canada. My belief is that Canada should have mirrored services of the USA from major online stores but I guess the whole problem with customs does add some cost to shipping.
It'd be nice for Amazon to offer Prime for Canada. My belief is that Canada should have mirrored services of the USA from major online stores but I guess the whole problem with customs does add some cost to shipping.

ya, well i ordered a CE for a game (think it was WAR lol) from the EA store and they only charged me $15 and had no problems with customs, heck I even had it in hand a day before launch lol so its possible for US retailers to do it.

But if my local eb games is getting it in I just order it local instead, saves hassles and money.
have you ever tried the custom maps? I have played starcraft 1 for years and never once played a competitive match online. All the different user made custom maps more than made the game worth it.

nope, the only thing ive played is the MP sc2 beta.. so i guess i dont know much about the SP.. i'll def. check it out one day, when its on sale :)
Just got confirmation today from the local EB Games that my CE will be available for pick up first thing Tuesday morning. As luck would have it, I have that day off from work due to a scheduling conflict. Sweet, I get to be in the lineup! I'm really looking forward to playing the campaign, it's been so long since I played a brand-new PC game I was really excited about.
It'd be nice for Amazon to offer Prime for Canada. My belief is that Canada should have mirrored services of the USA from major online stores but I guess the whole problem with customs does add some cost to shipping.

usually isnt customs that are the problem.. its the shipping companies in your country.. i agree they should be the same but it will never happen..