Aaron Sorkin Rips Apple's Tim Cook Over “Steve Jobs" Critique


Aug 20, 2006
It looks like the Apple CEO got told off by the screenwriter of the new Jobs film. Cook had recently taken issue with the cinematic depictions of Steve Jobs, calling people “opportunistic.”

"…if you've got a factory full of children in China assembling phones for 17 cents an hour, you've got a lot of nerve calling someone else opportunistic."

Screenwriter 1
Apple 0

Kind of interesting someone from Hollywood taking a poke at Apple, being Apple is Hollywood's darling. Anyone notice how many movies out there that sneak in a laptop with the Apple logo on it? Same thing with actors smoking cigarettes in movies (fake cigarettes that produce hardly any smoke). Hollywood certainly isn't going to ignore revenue when they see it.

Screenwriter 1
Apple 0

Kind of interesting someone from Hollywood taking a poke at Apple, being Apple is Hollywood's darling. Anyone notice how many movies out there that sneak in a laptop with the Apple logo on it? Same thing with actors smoking cigarettes in movies (fake cigarettes that produce hardly any smoke). Hollywood certainly isn't going to ignore revenue when they see it.

You ever notice how many TV shows use apple products but make some feeble attempt to conceal the logo? That's because Apple doesn't pay for product placement. They just give free shit to the studios and let them use it however they want. So the studios have a conundrum on their hands: don't use the free stuff or let other manufacturers in on the same deal, hence the concealed logos. I have noticed House of Cards is kind of heavy on the Apple love though.
The wonderful alternative is paying them 0c an hour, instead, paying North Americans fair wages to manufacture, then charge 12k per ipad in order to turn a profit.

12K per iPad? Gross exaggeration. Is your name Martin Shkreli? :p
That's the biggest Fuck You Tim Cook I've ever seen... and so so very sorely deserved. Bahahahahaha.

The wonderful alternative is paying them 0c an hour, instead, paying North Americans fair wages to manufacture, then charge 12k per ipad in order to turn a profit.

Time to school you because I feel like it.

It used to be at a ratio of 1:7 (turn of the last decade) when it comes to productivity vs cost for manufacturing in China, but the Chinese provincial salary price hike and transportation overhead have shrunk this to below 1:5, closer to 1:4 even as we are "incentivized" to move inland.

It isn't going to be that expensive to manufacture your new iPad in USA, it's just that the sunk cost in manufacturing facilities and the whole supply chain being in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea act against making them in the states.
Time to school you because I feel like it.

It used to be at a ratio of 1:7 (turn of the last decade) when it comes to productivity vs cost for manufacturing in China, but the Chinese provincial salary price hike and transportation overhead have shrunk this to below 1:5, closer to 1:4 even as we are "incentivized" to move inland.

It isn't going to be that expensive to manufacture your new iPad in USA, it's just that the sunk cost in manufacturing facilities and the whole supply chain being in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea act against making them in the states.

sorry, meant to express 1200, don't know why I typed 12k. Anyway, you're probably right, I was working off an article I read 5 years ago. It's literally just easier for me to stir you wonderfully knowledgeable gents up than go look it up myself. Thank you. (I keed, I keed!)
"…if you've got a factory full of children in China assembling phones for 17 cents an hour, you've got a lot of nerve calling someone else opportunistic."


Some big brass ones there!

And wholly justified!
If you try and use your tv show as a platform to mansplain away rape, then you've got a lot of nerve to criticize someone for being opportunistic.
It would be different if apple had made the movie instead of Aaron Sorkin.

Of course the popcorn* would cost $79 and come in one size.
Sheeple would line up around the block to watch it.

*Only compatible with the $57 small soda.

Probably best to wait on next years apple made movie, it's supposed to have sound.

The wonderful alternative is paying them 0c an hour, instead, paying North Americans fair wages to manufacture, then charge 12k per ipad in order to turn a profit.

It is worth noting that it usually isn't just labor costs that move manufacturing to China ... the manufacturing zones in China are small cities (literally) with all the supporting manufacturers in close proximity to the main plant (this allows more of a JIT inventory system to keep materials costs down, which are the dominant cost of most products)

For the USA to move wholesale manufacturing back to this country we would need to implement a number of changes (wages don't have to be one of them) ... We need to create these manufacturing zones in the USA where hundreds of companies can operate in a small trade zone ... we would need to insure these zones had access to onsite laborers and transportation out of the zone for the products (surface and air) ... we would probably need somewhat relaxed environmental requirements in these zones and probably right to work as well (to prevent too much union interference)

Personally I don't see Americans stepping up to create or live in those zones so I don't expect to see too much manufacturing move back here except for final assembly (to minimize the value of cargo that is at sea ... a big financial liability for companies on their inventory reporting) ... but suggesting an iPad manufactured in the USA would be 12-24 times more expensive is hyperbole (it would likely be 2-3 times more at worst, depending on the availability of materials)
Seems to me like a case of pot calling kettle black. Both of them are in the business of making money out of brand image and popularity.
For the USA to move wholesale manufacturing back to this country we would need to implement a number of changes (wages don't have to be one of them) ... We need to create these manufacturing zones in the USA where hundreds of companies can operate in a small trade zone ... we would need to insure these zones had access to onsite laborers and transportation out of the zone for the products (surface and air) ... we would probably need somewhat relaxed environmental requirements in these zones and probably right to work as well (to prevent too much union interference)

Personally I don't see Americans stepping up to create or live in those zones so I don't expect to see too much manufacturing move back here ...

This does sound too unlike the rural towns of the previous century where the entire town worked at the steel mill, or the coal mine, or grain factory.

I think there are a lot of rural towns in America that would gladly all go to work for the same company.

Sure the folks in the big metropolis will snub their nose at the idea, but that's because they have grown up in an area with opportunity. People with no opportunity will have a much more different mindset.
Why do people always thing that if it's made in USA vs being made in China its going to be 10-15x more expensive? When motorola moved assembly of the Moto X in Texas they figured the increase in labor costs added $10 to the final cost of the phone.

Apple has some of the cheapest built phones, and has the highest profit margin. So no, and Iphone built here shouldn't really cost any more