Abit QuadGT x38 ?


Dec 26, 2006
I'm trying to decide on a board for a Q9450.I liked the feedback that the IP35Pro was getting with the Q6600,but it may not be the best as far as overclocking goes with the 9450 due to it's lower multiplier.I've seen very little buzz on the QuadGT,does it live up the Pro's performance?Am I right in assuming the X38 would be better than the P35 boards as far as overclocking a Q9450 goes?
the only advantage to X38 chipset over P35 is the dual x16 PCI-E 2.0.
if you don't need Crossfired gfx there is no advantage to it.

Nothing wrong with the QuadGT though as far as X38s go.
I would go with X48 or P35.
Most P35 boards hit a fsb wall at around 475MHZ.
X48 could allow you to go a bit further but there is no guarantee.

I find the the Q9450's multiplier (8) to be too low.
IMO, the Q6600 G0 is a better choice since it costs now $250 (I have even seen it a $200) and you can use a cheaper motherboard since the fsb limitation is less an issue.
highest fsb that I've seen a screenie of on an IX38 QuadGT is 582fsb & that guy (a hardware site reviewer) just loves the board - says that it's awesomely stable.
he's slightly perplexed why it doesn't get more kudos ...
Because people are too busy humping flash in the pan garbage and useless shinies?

Frankly, if you can't get at least 480MHz stable out of an IX38QGT, then you have no business overclocking in the first place. That board is obscene. Not happy with the big sink near the DIMMs that draws off the NB, but you can replace the whole assembly without tossing the OTES with it. Very happy about that.