About to buy a new computer, please check it out


Jan 10, 2005
I'm going to be buying a new computer. I was wondering if you guys should check out my parts to make sure everything is top-notch, and will work great together etc.... Also any suggestions are appreciated.

Hardrive: Bought a 150GB Raptor 16MB Cache

Case:Lian Li PC-V1000BPlus II

CPU: Conroe E6700 (im sure there will be no complaints here)

Motherboard: not sure

Memory: 2GB Dual Channel, havn't decided what yet
GFXCard: ATI X850 XT
Buying a cheap card until the DX10 cards come out.

PowerSupply: Ultra X-Connect 500W

I was going to buy all these parts now, so that i will be ready to build as soon as conroe comes out. Thanks for your help/opinions!
laxmiddi44 said:
Hardrive: I want a raptor/s, but i'm very confused about the whole RAID 0 thing, i know its for max performance, but i guess you need 2 harddrives to do it or something. I'm a little confused on what to buy and how to set it up. I know to buy the HD with the 16mb Cache, but do i have to buy 2 harddrives? Can i run the 150GB in RAID 0? or would i need 2 74GB.
Raid is a funny thing. It should be faster, and synthetic benchmarks show performance increase. Unfortunately this performance increase is not really there in the real world. I ran raid 0 for the longest time, then needed more storage space, so I unraided, no difference at all. But, you are correct, to raid you need at least 2 HDDs, matched.

Let me make a reccomendation...instead of 2x74GB, get 1 Raptor 150. These motherfuckers are FAST. I wish I had one. this drive alone blows 2x Raptor 74gb in raid 0 away. Its expensive, but if you want the speed, get just 1 of these and you will be pleased.
HighwayAssassins said:
These motherfuckers are FAST. I wish I had one. this drive alone blows 2x Raptor 74gb in raid 0 away. Its expensive, but if you want the speed, get just 1 of these and you will be pleased.

lol, alright ill do that thank you
HighwayAssassins said:
looks good to me, Although get somethign else besides that ultra x connect. they are shit.

whats a good power supply that has the nice cables that plug in, thats the only reason i want it
laxmiddi44 said:
whats a good power supply that has the nice cables that plug in, thats the only reason i want it
I'm an OCZ fan boy, so just know there are more options...

If you have to have the removeable plugs on the PSU side, how about a Modstream 450 Watt?

I would choose a Powerstream 520 over that though...but cables are attached. I just stuff them up into my case above the PSU, you only see em if you are lookin for em.
Enermax Liberty or OCZ ModStream are decent modular PSU's. I wouldn't suggenst modular though as the standard psu's tend to be of better quality.
get rid of the powersupply grab a OCZ powerstream.

and also that ram isn't exactly the best.
laxmiddi44 said:
Motherboard: Are they even out? Without modding it...If so suggestions....
Depends on what features you want. The Intel 975XBX Bad Axe revision 304 is out now and does support PATA devices. When the 965 series of chipsets come out they will be using the ICH8. Intel has dropped PATA support on the ICH8 so expect to pay ~80 to 115 for a SATA optical drive from Plextor. If you got to the value series of chipsets (946) you will get support for PATA devices (ICH7).

The only place that I know that might have the "Bad Axe" is Fry's or if you happen to be a friend of an Intel employee.
WD HD's = slow.

Suxtor.... i mean Maxtor is the fasted with ntfs. You fill your HD over 50% you gonna feel it. Defragging is not necessary for desktop p00ters (omg omg omg he's a fucking n00blar he said no defrag!!!1) but once a year ok i suppose...

Any raid shit's for servers not you. Scsi are for macs I mean well servers once again. V-twins are for harleys whoopse how did that get in there :)
Would be cheaper to build a cheap system with the 6800 and then another system when the dx10 cards come out then to build the expensive system today....
one 150 gb raptor is faster and cheaper. Just google raptor raid reviews. Because 1 150 raptor-275..... 2 74 raptors-320 $
Gibzilla said:
WD HD's = slow.

Suxtor.... i mean Maxtor is the fasted with ntfs. You fill your HD over 50% you gonna feel it. Defragging is not necessary for desktop p00ters (omg omg omg he's a fucking n00blar he said no defrag!!!1) but once a year ok i suppose...

Any raid shit's for servers not you. Scsi are for macs I mean well servers once again. V-twins are for harleys whoopse how did that get in there :)

That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. WD drives slow? Whatever. SCSI for Macs? In 1990 maybe. Maxtor drives are unreliable and flip their pancakes alot. Poor exterior design. Even if you have a small performance hit in a WD drive, you aren't going to notice it and I never had one fail on me. Sealed much better then Maxtors craptastic drives.

Defragging actually IS occasionally necessary, expecially with some MMORPGs that tend to scatter the HD alot, especially if they have gimondous patch downloads like SWG.

Raid is debatable, performance wise it may not be worth much. Redundancy however, is always a good thing to have.
Nasty_Savage said:
Maxtor drives are unreliable and flip their pancakes alot. Poor exterior design. Even if you have a small performance hit in a WD drive, you aren't going to notice it and I never had one fail on me. Sealed much better then Maxtors craptastic drives.

Im the exact opposite. I had a series of WD drives fail on me whereas I have never had a Maxtor drive fail. Strange...
I had two maxtor's die in two years, and my last two WD drives were complete crap.

I buy seagate now :cool:

The reason that the 150gb raptor was always faster was that it had a 16mb cache. You can now find 74gb raptors with 16mb cache, but from what I've heard the perpendicular seagate drives are just as fast. I just ordered a 320gb one for less than a 74gb raptor.

As far as RAID, if you don't know what it is there's no need to worry about it. It's mostly useful for redundancy when losing critical data would be a qualified disaster.

Modular psu's are almost always worse than non-modular, for a variety of reasons. The psu is the single most important part of the pc and is the last place you should cut costs. You wouldn't put watered-down gas in your car, so don't cheap on the psu. Antec stuff is mediocre at best. Check out the psu forum for some recommendations in your price range.
Slartibartfast said:
Modular psu's are almost always worse than non-modular, for a variety of reasons. The psu is the single most important part of the pc and is the last place you should cut costs. You wouldn't put watered-down gas in your car, so don't cheap on the psu. Antec stuff is mediocre at best. Check out the psu forum for some recommendations in your price range.

I dont get why people always want ultra-x connect...
Slartibartfast said:
I had two maxtor's die in two years, and my last two WD drives were complete crap.

I buy seagate now :cool:

The reason that the 150gb raptor was always faster was that it had a 16mb cache. You can now find 74gb raptors with 16mb cache, but from what I've heard the perpendicular seagate drives are just as fast. I just ordered a 320gb one for less than a 74gb raptor.

As far as RAID, if you don't know what it is there's no need to worry about it. It's mostly useful for redundancy when losing critical data would be a qualified disaster.

Modular psu's are almost always worse than non-modular, for a variety of reasons. The psu is the single most important part of the pc and is the last place you should cut costs. You wouldn't put watered-down gas in your car, so don't cheap on the psu. Antec stuff is mediocre at best. Check out the psu forum for some recommendations in your price range.

Yep, I had the same experience with hard drives. I've had WD and Maxtor drives both crap out on me, though the WD drives were a long time ago. I have Seagate in one of my computers and WD in the other. The WD has a 16MB cache and is plenty fast for me. It also only cost $95 for a 250GB drive back a few months ago, instead of paying through the ass for a raptor drive.

My advice to the thread poster is to wait and see what's available when the CPU you want comes out. Kinda hard to tell what parts will be best until you know what mobo you're going to want. I know the last couple mobos I used had certain hardware it would work with and certain hardware it didn't like, so that will dictate to some degree what parts you'll end up with... ;)
That 6800 XT is a pretty crap card. It's a cut down version of the 6800 non-pro. Use your money on a 7600 GT instead; it's faster and costs about the same.

EDIT: Here you go. Faster and a little cheaper.
icthus13 said:
That 6800 XT is a pretty crap card. It's a cut down version of the 6800 non-pro. Use your money on a 7600 GT instead; it's faster and costs about the same.

EDIT: Here you go. Faster and a little cheaper.

i already ordered a X850 XT
An antec smartpower 500 would be nice. Modular cables, sturdy rails, extremely cheap!