About to buy a XPS 1330 - Should I wait?


Limp Gawd
Oct 30, 2006
Hey everyone. It is time for me to buy my laptop for university, and I am really leaning towards the XPS 1330. My main concerns are mobility and battery life. Should I go with the 8400? Will it use much more battery? Or if I am not going to be gaming much, should I just decide to NOT game and simply stick to Intel integrated?

The only reason I would want to get the Intel over the Nvidia is trying to preserve battery life. But if it won't make a difference, I will gladly get the Nvidia!

That being said, are there any other 13" laptops anyone would recommend above the 1330?
I just got the M1330 from the Dell outlet and I got one with the 8400 seemed like the way to go for me. My mail focus is not gaming but id like to be able to do it sometimes. Id say go with the 8400
I just got the M1330 from the Dell outlet and I got one with the 8400 seemed like the way to go for me. My mail focus is not gaming but id like to be able to do it sometimes. Id say go with the 8400

I'm curious as to what sort of battery life you are getting out of that. When not gaming, and simply word processing/internet browsing, how many hours can it go?
I have not ran it out yet haha just came in the mail about 3 or 4 hours ago

I have been browsing th web for the past hour and a half and its onl at 59%

EDIT: This is with a 6 cell battery btw