About to pull the trigger. Chime in?


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2005
Here is my list of components. Some of these prices are slightly cheaper at Newegg but I'm in CA and Newegg charges tax. I'm also on a trial of Amazon Prime so 2 day shipping is free:)

How does this list look?

Case: Silverstone GD04 (already have this)

PS: Antec 430 Basiq (already have this)

MB: Asus M3N78-VM (Amazon: $76.43)

CPU: Athlon2 X2 240 (Amazon: $58.99)

RAM: PNY Optima 2GB DDR2 800 (Amazon: $52.98)

Blue-Ray: Lite-On iHOS104-08 (Amazon: $72.77)

HD: 1TB WD Caviar Black (Amazon: $99.95)
I have done 5+ builds of 780/785g and would much prefer the boards over the nvidia 8200 which I did on one build. I think you might out to look to i3 or 785g + vid card for bit streaming capabilities.
One concern I have is price. I was considering i3 but that set up would add considerably to my overall cost.

Regarding the 785: That was my original idea. I was convinced otherwise due to the audio issues you hinted at. The 8200 board seemed to be a good balance of quality video, audio and support for an inexpensive (yet capable) processor.

Why do you prefer the 785 to the 8200 boards?
Don't get a 785 based board, old tech. The 8200's are better.

Build looks good.
If you want to keep onboard audio/video with no intentions to pass dts-hd then by all means go 8200.
Everything looks good. I would recommend one of the green drives for dedicated htpc duty. You could save a few bucks on the 1 TB model, or spend an extra $5 to get the 1.5 TB drive. One can never have enough storage for an HTPC. :D
Good idea FengPangzi, I made that minor change to my order (1.5TB WD Green) and placed the order.

Free prime for three months means it cost $19.99 to have it all shipped next day:) Would have been free for 2 day....buuuut

Thanks for the input guys.