about to re-install windows.... and still sticking with Windows 7


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 18, 2004
wow... i generally wait a year about adopting the next iteration of Windows.... not this time, my friends have windows 8 laptops, i hate using it, and i think Metro sucks.

back to Windows 7 where everything is perfect after i spend an hour cleaning it up and it just works.

/end rant lol
And the saga continues. My work provided laptop is Windows 7 along with my sig gaming rig that I just didn't want to go through the hassle of updating. 6 other devices on Windows 8.1, three tablets, two desktops and a convertible tablet PC. Kind of pointless to run Windows 7 on the tablets and convertible and the desktop has dual monitors and even some Windows 8 opponents recognize that 8 with multiple monitors has some advantages, like the task bar and the whole issue of full screen elements isn't as big of deal in that situation.

The main issue with Windows 8 for me has been using with my sig rig, surround with SLI is a pain with the modern UI as the virtual resolution makes everything span all the monitors, however it's not perfect with desktop apps either.
Even with the tweaks it isn't the same without Aero. We all hated it because of Vista (some still did later), but now it just feels right. :(

Can't stand the flat square interface. Aero really brighten things up. I mean you can't even do a little shadow effect in 8/8.1 so people know if the text is text or a button is a button? Hell half the time I would never guess the text was clickable. Nothing ever moves wtf is up with that lol? First OS they've ever done that with and really annoying.

Imagine that.

Someone on the HardForum doesn't like Windows 8!

Dislikes it enough to in fact go out of their way and start an entirely new thread telling the world at large that they dislike it!

Doesn't this thread more properly belong on the front page? ;)

Imagine that.

Someone on the HardForum doesn't like Windows 8!

Dislikes it enough to in fact go out of their way and start an entirely new thread telling the world at large that they dislike it!

Doesn't this thread more properly belong on the front page? ;)

This is one of the phenomena surrounding the "bad release, good release" cycle of Windows versions. The problems get so hyped up that the solutions tend to be simple in comparison. I think there's an additional issue with 8, in that there are people, especially in a forum like this, that simply don't like the idea of Windows, the King of the Desktop, taking on elements of mobile devices. So even though that strategy does make some sense, especially as more and more people are using mobile devices and desktops and laptops not so much, Windows should be all desktop all the time to many Windows 8 opponents. Don't call it an app, it's a program!

It will be a shame if Microsoft is forced to pretty much kill Windows by those who feel the need to turn it into some type of well oiled super productivity platform, which never really has been. The beauty of Windows has been that it runs on lots of different devices and is general purpose. I've always found it odd that on a web site that is dedicated to PC desktop gaming which is completely dominated by Windows, Windows 8 sucks because the same desktop programs that work exactly the same on 7 and 8 are somehow less productive on 8, as though the world gets its work done in the Start Menu.
Even with the tweaks it isn't the same without Aero. We all hated it because of Vista (some still did later), but now it just feels right. :(

Can't stand the flat square interface. Aero really brighten things up. I mean you can't even do a little shadow effect in 8/8.1 so people know if the text is text or a button is a button? Hell half the time I would never guess the text was clickable. Nothing ever moves wtf is up with that lol? First OS they've ever done that with and really annoying.

Meh. I can live without Aero. The whole transparency thing was starting to look a bit dated to me back in 2011 and I had been turning it of since.

I agree with you on the other points though, the totally "flat" look with solid colors and awkward font choices just screams "designed by engineers" to me. I've gotten over it though, since I barely pay any attention window chrome anymore, I'm fine with a plain white window color.
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Another pointless Windows 8/8.1 bash thread. Check.

Now to wait for the next pointless Windows 8/8.1 poll thread that tells me everything I already knew about what people think about the subject.
I just re-installed Windows as well today. Formatted my SSD and installed Win7 Home Premium.
fuck this start menu bullshit. Microsoft can't tell me how to use their software, I'm going to back to Win 3.1 where I didn't have to learn how to click a start button to get my software... it was just there.
Wow. I thought I had it bad. I actually have to install Windows 7 for emulator compatibility (within Hyperspin) and feel bad because I can't use 8... I'd rather be running Windows 8 on my machines, personally. I prefer 8 over 7, big time. Yes, even with Metro (Modern UI).

For me, Windows 7 feels old. I wouldn't mind having Aero Glass within Windows 8, though. That'd be the icing on the cake for me.
fuck this start menu bullshit. Microsoft can't tell me how to use their software, I'm going to back to Win 3.1 where I didn't have to learn how to click a start button to get my software... it was just there.

WTF, DUDE!? Seriously?! Screw the GUI overlay. Just boot straight to DOS prompt. If you REALLY NEED to run Windows software, just go to C:\Windows and type Win. Then, get out as soon as possible. You don't really need to click anything. It was all just there, with the few strokes of the keyboard.

Next up - punch cards. Who's in?
What an informative and useful thread. Please, keep creating more threads about everything that you do on your computer without giving reasons why.
I think we'd have to hit up DosShell first, and maybe take a go at edlin while were at it, then maybe whip up some Compute! games with debug.

I forgot about edlin. I remember using that with DOS 3.xx.
Ahh another perfect shining example of troll threads, the [H]eart of the internet...

You could call it beating a dead horse perhaps. Still, I think Windows 8 and the team behind it deserves the negative response (and I was/am a huge Vista supporter). 8 is a terrible product. Microsoft completely ignored their users and completely misjudged the touch device market.

Metro/Modern UI is terrible. The Start Screen is less functional than the old Start Menu. The Charms bar is ridiculous on the desktop. The Windows Store was dead on arrival and Metro apps are ridiculous on the desktop. The flat desktop GUI looks awful compared to Aero Glass. Media Center should not be a payware addon, it was free with Vista and 7 Home Premium and the 8 version is unchanged.

The vast majority of these issues could easily have been avoided. I believe 8 sales would be much better if it were essentially 7 with the under-the-hood improvements of 8 and an optional touch UI. Instead they tried to force a radical hybrid UI as a sales gimmick and it blew up in their face.
The vast majority of these issues could easily have been avoided. I believe 8 sales would be much better if it were essentially 7 with the under-the-hood improvements of 8 and an optional touch UI. Instead they tried to force a radical hybrid UI as a sales gimmick and it blew up in their face.

The hybrid design is FAR from a gimmick, one can effectively use Windows 8.x as a desktop and a tablet OS and there is a growing number of people that are doing that everyday with various Windows devices.

Microsoft definitely made mistakes with 8, but I don't think it was necessarily because they misjudged anything, but probably figured it was much more important to get Windows working better on tablets and then deal with consequences latter. 8 was never going to be a big enterprise release since most had gone to or were already going to 7 and honestly 7 was always going to be 8's biggest competitor, that's often the case with a new Windows release, especially one that brings this much change.
i actually installed Win 8, its okay so far.

the boot up is MUCH faster, then again i have a RAID controller, so those benefits are kind of un-noticed :(
Wow. I thought I had it bad. I actually have to install Windows 7 for emulator compatibility (within Hyperspin) and feel bad because I can't use 8... I'd rather be running Windows 8 on my machines, personally. I prefer 8 over 7, big time. Yes, even with Metro (Modern UI).

For me, Windows 7 feels old. I wouldn't mind having Aero Glass within Windows 8, though. That'd be the icing on the cake for me.

Curious...why can't you use 8 with Hyperspin? I have a suspicious feeling I'm going to be not too happy when you reply. I was under the assumption things are fine.
Those Metro live tiles are actually quite useful when they work. I get my news headlines and I see new email headers at-a-glance; weather too. A lot of apps don't take advantage of the tiles, however.

Windows 8 also had an overhaul of the core audio-engine. No more jumping through hoops for lossless playback.

Cross-fingers but 8.1 has been stable and wonderful for me on my, ahem, 2nd install attempt. On first try (upgrade from Windows 7) an ESET antivirus file caused the system to blue-screen.