AC freezer 7 pro jacked up price


Dec 31, 2005
Ok, so I am looking at building at a C2D system soon, and was looking at what CPU coolers I wanted to get. The AC freezer 7 pro seemed like one of the best to get, but I thought it was supposed to be around $35/$40, not the 70 dollar price tag that it is toting on newegg. Anyone know why this is, or if anyone other e-tailers have it for cheaper? Or maybe what people may consider would be a good substitute for the AC freezer in the same price range. Thanks.
One of the guys at Newegg tripped and fell on the rape switch that engaged on the AC Freezer Pro.
Newegg has price fluctuations based on stock and whether or not they feel like selling components. Wait a while, they should go back down in price (they were $18 + shipping for a while on Newegg).