AC went out


Mar 10, 2001
Just to share a little horror story...

The A/C in my server room went out over the weekend.
It was 110F in there on Monday morning. :eek:

Got it all straightened out ... I hope... :confused:

Was Folding at half power later monday afternoon. :cool:

All on again today.
I thought for a minute there we'd have to send K* over and have him blow on the server for a while (oh wait, wrong temp. of air :D ), but good to hear that everything's back to normal!

Fold on people

Yeah, I know the feeling. Central air over here doesn't like my bedroom too much, so my room regularly hits 100 when the rest of the house is at 80. It dropped when my mobo died, though. Guess it just means it's really time for me to switch to watercooling and get an external radiator. That is, external to the house =]
Shadowchild said:
Yeah, I know the feeling. Central air over here doesn't like my bedroom too much, so my room regularly hits 100 when the rest of the house is at 80. It dropped when my mobo died, though. Guess it just means it's really time for me to switch to watercooling and get an external radiator. That is, external to the house =]

Actually, that won't work as well as you would think. Since the radiator would be outside during the summer, it won't actually cool the water off very much if at all so the system will actually run hotter. And in the winter, it could freeze up the radiator depending on where you are. Trust me, even though there was really no way for me to run an external radiator, I've thought about it.

Summer: have an internal radiator, and quickswap fittings. Then you can swap back and forth easily.

Winter: It won't freeze if you make the mixture half water and half antifreeze. This will also prevent corrosion if you're using different metals for the block vs. radiator.

You could also bury a loop of copper tube down 15 feet or so. Underground far enough, it's the same temperature (55F) all year round. Source

unhappy_mage said:
Summer: have an internal radiator, and quickswap fittings. Then you can swap back and forth easily.

Winter: It won't freeze if you make the mixture half water and half antifreeze. This will also prevent corrosion if you're using different metals for the block vs. radiator.

You could also bury a loop of copper tube down 15 feet or so. Underground far enough, it's the same temperature (55F) all year round. Source

He wants to go to the external radiator to kill the heat in the house, therefore keeping it inside does not help the problem.

In the winter, you would probably have to worry about condensation also. It's not just the freezing.

The pipe in the ground is the kind of idea I want to implement but unfortunately you have to have one hell of a pump to keep that going.

The pipe in the ground shouldn't take *too* much - the water level is a constant for the whole system, so it's the same as pumping the water along the same amount of pipe along the same level as the pump. If you had an open reservoir with the water level below the pump, though, it would be a problem.

So basically, any pump that'll handle pumping around a loop of 50+ feet can deal with that.
