Accelero S1 and S2


Supreme [H]ardness
May 24, 2005
You've probably read the news blurb on the front page of [H] but these coolers intrigue me. I've found a few reviews for the S2 but none for the S1. I haven't found them available to purchase, either. :( I wants it! :mad: (the S1, that is, for my 7800GT) (German)

EDIT: According to their press release they're being released near the end of May.
It's sure taken AC a LOOONG time to release these coolers btw..When they were originally announced (if my memory serves), the 7800s were the hottest thing on the block. They mention something about a 'turbo' cooling module, but 0 info on the thing. I imagine it's a fan that straps to the 'sink somehow, a PCI card cooler, or maybe they've rigged a fan of some sort, mounted it to a duct, which intakes (or exhausts) via the extra PCI bracket (akin to the old Silencer coolers)...Also, I'd liike to see a new review with this new cooler (on a 7900/7950), the S2 on a 7600 doesn't cut it for me (the rbmods review).

It looks like it has promise, I'm thinking of getting one for my 7900, and strapping a 7v 120mm YL to it for some quiet active cooling... 4 heatpipes, lots of surface area (enough to strap 2x92mm's if you wanted and then some), included ramsinks; should be fairly light even w/ a 120 strapped on..All for ~$35 tops (w/ a fan).
The two main points that drew me to the cooler were the obvious passive performance and the price. Like you said it looks to be easy to strap a nice, quiet fan on it to improve the performance even more. I'm totally excited 'cause I'm a quiet freak.
Has anyone here gotten this thing? I've read more reviews and they're all very positive. The latest was MadShrimps and their video card cooler roundup. They loved the S1. I've got a 7800GT and this thing really tempts me...
Nope not yet - and the only real reason being I've been seeing artifacting more than normal for my 7900 (sucks there's *any*, but this is my 3rd card and I'm not sure I could get eVGA to cross-ship me AGAIN)... On the remote chance I might get an 8800gts/320 (hey it's happened) - I don't want to waste my money on this cooler (assuming an RMA takes place). Also, this cooler doesn't support the 8600s - my next most likely candidate in place of a 7900/7950.

Anyway, yeah - I saw that MS review - and it did damn well. They must have done euro -> usd conversion, b/c its off by quite a bit.. Most places are selling it for $29-30, not $20..Although directron has it @ $24 I think -- a bit over $31 shipped to me in CA. And for the retailers selling the turbo module, it's running ~$12..Although I'd rather rig a 120mm or two for more airflow - and silence @ 7v..
Most places are selling it for $29-30, not $20..Although directron has it @ $24 I think -- a bit over $31 shipped to me in CA. And for the retailers selling the turbo module, it's running ~$12..Although I'd rather rig a 120mm or two for more airflow - and silence @ 7v..

Yeah I saw it on for $32 shipped for me. It's a bummer it doesn't support higher than the 7xxx series Nvidia cards but that's expected because of the higher clocks on the 8xxx series. I'm trying to go near silent in my case so that's why this puppy intrigues me. Right now I run a Zalman VF700Cu on low on my 7800GT. It's really quiet but I can still hear it a tiny bit. (I have a quiet room where me PC is) :p

EDIT: Shoot, now that I think of it I should just unplug the fan on the VF700 just to see what kinda temps I get. :D
I wouldn't do that :p - I doubt it could cope. If you must have quiet w/ the vf700, 7v it - maybe 5v if it still keeps temps in check.

I certainly can agree w/ the heat comment on the 8800s (although actively cooled it may cope decently)...I don't see why it can't cope easily active, perhaps even passive to some degree w/ up to the 8600GTS - I mean it's basically got the same thermal envelope as a 7900GT and all (~71w?). Perhaps they'll come out w/ a new revision some time in the near future for G84 mounting.
Also, this cooler doesn't support the 8600s - my next most likely candidate in place of a 7900/7950.

Why would you want to replace the 7900/7950 card with 8600 series which are slower?
I got the S2 for my 7600GT last night. Ordered it from ewiz a week or so ago for 17$ and free shipping. That made it the cheapest aftermarket cooler I could find. I got it to reduce noise and havn't run any games yet, but it keeps it <45C idle in a warm room. Only issue I ran into was one of the little plastic clips to help support the cooler was deformed and too short (bent) to clasp. The other worked, and i honestly don't think either are needed. I would recommend them.
Well, duh - shipping aint free. For me it's $29.51 to SoCal. It's still nearly $10 cheaper for me than from Newegg, @ $30+TAX+$5 shipping...I miss the days with much of Newegg's inventory being free ground :(.

[edit] The point being...Yeah it's really nice pretty much knowing I'll get all my orders from them the next day due to be so close to them...But I can't ignore a $10 difference in total price on a $30 item...
Another update to this thread.

Got the S1 on it's way from eWiz. They had it for $17.75...By far (~$4) the lowest I've found it yet. Unfortunately, they're a) in CA so I pay 8.25% tax, and b) ground UPS was $7.50. But still it was cheaper than anywhere else.

Also, the S1 (and S2) price jumped just after I ordered. Now the S1 is $18.28, S2 is $16.48.