Access to XML


Tampa Babe
Dec 17, 2000
Is there anyone in here that can help me translate an access database to XML or just a data access page to be viewed online? Any help is appreciated!!!

Its not that easy. You need to learn a programming language. PHP, Perl, Ruby whatever. Its accessed differently in each language, and each one have its own quirks. There is no way someone can just make up a script to do what you need it to do.
Flagg said:
Its not that easy. You need to learn a programming language. PHP, Perl, Ruby whatever. Its accessed differently in each language, and each one have its own quirks. There is no way someone can just make up a script to do what you need it to do.

Guess I should have been more specific. Access will export as XML but I am having problems. When I try to save as a data access page I get the page saved but there is a table and a form inside the pages that doesn't come up. Or I get an error message saying it won't save as xml becasue there is an unbound field on the page.