Accessing files across the net between MAC's


Mar 22, 2009
I've got a project I would like to do and before I commence the project I was hoping to brainstorm with you folks to generate some possible solutions and implementations for this particular project.

The Problem:
A family member of mine has 3 different Mac computers in different locations. He wishes to access and share files across the internet between the 3 Macs in a secure but also easy to use manner.

The assessment:
I have some experience in networking and computer operations however my family member does not. I understand the balancing act of security and simplicity. Often the more simple something is the less secure it turns out to be. My family member does not require security on the level of governmental agencies but would not want his files being accessed by random parties etc. On my initial thoughts I believe his situation can be solved through a central computer housing all the files and perhaps a method of accessing asnd managing the files from all computers. He has expressed interest in being able to access the files worldwide. However the access only need to specifically occur from 3 locations. His house, his medical practice office, and a weekend/summer apartment he has in the city.

Technical Specs of systems involved:
1) A Macbook Pro running OSX Leopard
2) A Macbook Pro running OSX Snow Leopard
3) A Mac Mini running Tiger

1) Is the inter-connectivity between the 3 different OS's a factor? That is can Snow Leopard, Leopard, and Tiger all connect to each other and share files?

2) More specifically a possible solution would be a VPN. What VPN solutions would you recommend for a Mac?

3) Another possibility is FTP. What FTP solutions would you recommend for Mac?

Any ideas, solutions, reviews, explanations, or even general commentary are welcomed and encouraged

Thanks in advanced for any help you can provide.
Evaluate Dropbox. It's an easy crossplatform solution for meager data requirements that automatically syncs data between machines. It's similar to Apple's iDisk but it's free for the first 2gig of data. You can purchase additional if required. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, e.g. not p2p.
+1 for dropbox

files can be accessed through the web interface without dropbox being installed if he's not at one of the three locations.

if you go the home server route, you'll probably end up running into issues due to the upload speed.
He can also purchase Mobile Me and it will allow you to access your other computers using the back to my mac features. I use it on the go with my laptop. It works great and lets me connect to my home computer, as long as the routers / whatever support upnp.

Dropbox is also fantastic and syncs files.
+1 another vote for DropBox.

I believe that it also has 'version management'. May want to verify this before overwriting something REALLY important.
I didn't know about dropbox. I'll check that out. I was going to suggest SSH/SFTP or something (I used SSH/SFTP at home in the past), but that sounds better, because like someone said the upload speed will kill you.
With a medical practice and three mac's the guy has to be able to afford a decent Internet connection.
upload speed aside, dropbox is more reliable. the only limitation is the size, and with your argument, he should be able to afford more dropbox space.

skip going through making a sharepoint and just sign up and download.