Accessing Hard Drive


Limp Gawd
Jul 21, 2004
I have a hard drive I pulled out of a computer and I just put it into a external case. I'm trying to get my music off of it. How do I access the desktop on the external drive? I tryed searching for it but I think it might be hidden since I had a password on the computer. I'm really rusty on the computer.
Thats not it. Only one thing shows up in that folder and I know I got a lot more on the desktop. Ill try to boot from it in a little bit. I think its not letting me access some of the files since I had it password protected.
If you had it password protected, you might be SOL unless you can access the previous install. I lost some files that way once.
Which is why I don't keep anything on my desktop. c:\music c:\downloads c:\whatever
I believe I had a similar problem when i was still using XP. i believe the solution back then for me was to disable simple file sharing. hope that works