Accident Update!

Thank you Tom. Im glad yours turned out okay and everyone was able to walk away from it.

Good luck!

it was not ford's fault. Granted, a design flaw that makes brakes fail is at ford's door step, but if ford puts out a fix for it, it is the OWNERS responsibility to fix it. This is true of any car/truck/anything with a motor. besides, with bill ford in the company now, I see the company making a turn around. Ford has a enginep problem called a piston slap.

"What fix has Ford developed to eliminate PS knock?

Ø If your vehicle is still under warranty, Ford will replace your engine at no charge;
Ø 99 Model year vehicles will receive a brand new 2000 engine
Ø 97-98 Model year vehicles will receive an FQR (remanufactured) engine"

"The good news is that we are finally getting hard facts on the piston slap issue and Ford is replacing engines. Some of us have waited almost 2 years for this day and some of us have battles yet to be won. There seems to be new members who are concerned with or who have PS joining this board every day but unfortunately all this good information is scattered throughout the over 25 threads dealing with this issue, posted in the last 30 days alone. In order to better inform existing members and those yet to join, I have compiled and summarized details as reported by F-150 Online members (from these threads), as well as from members of other Ford based BBs, Fords own TSB's, my dealer and from my own personal experience with PS. Please do not hesitate to post updates to this thread or point out inaccuracies that may exist."

Ford is working to take care of this. click onto for the seedy side of General Motors corporation and the run around they give to people on the engines, like this:

" The noise called piston slap is caused by one or more pistons having too much clearance between its side skirt and the cylinder walls. In effect, the pistons become too small and wobble in the cylinder bores. It can be cause by an engine simply wearing out (not common any more), a piston seizing because of a lack of lubrication (it runs out of oil) or it's put together wrong. This is easy to check and usually it doesn't happen to all the pistons. But there could be other causes, none of which could be caused by a "wrong" oil filter. Find out what brand oil filter your shop uses and call its service reps and tell them your story. "

Ford is hassling some people on the piston slap problem a little, but if you read the GM section, that will give a earful.

do not blame ford. Suppose it was a GM driver? A guy driving a peterbilt?

Like I said though... its not that I dont like Fords because thats what hit me... if a GMC Sierra or a Toyota Tacoma or anything besides a Ford hit me, I wouldnt like them any less either.

I have never, ever been a fan of Fords.

Not just because they have a flaw with their ABS or any problems with their engines. The sheer dynamics of their vehicles havent ever fit my liking. I dont know if dynamics is the right word there, haha, but it was the best I could come up with :D

I like your signature though man. Thanks :)

Thank you,
thought that would be nice to support you ;) Keep going!!! :) Try this:

you don't like ford's because of the designs. none of the designs really appeal to you. Does that seem better? Have you looked at the older fords? I.E. 1950's, 1960's,?

how about this?

I like the older Fords a LOT better than the more modern models. They at least had some meat to them and were decent cars, compared to the (in my opinion at least) gutless cars that they roll out now.

I hear that the new Mustang is going to be a hatchback and actually have something to offer... though, I havent gotten a chance to check it out yet as I was in the hospital for so long, heh.

I think Ill check it out some when I wake up in the morning, heh.

This is something no one should have to go through, especially at the carelessness and negligence of someone else. Unfortunately it happens and it seems like the person at fault always gets off easy.

I believe the story without seeing a news article; I live in Phoenix as well and think many peope down here are nuts. I hate this place, 3 years and rear-ended four times. (House was broken into twice as well.) It makes my blood boil that someone would risk another's life just to gain a few seconds.

Whatever you do from here on, good luck to you. You'll make it okay, you're [H]. :cool:
Yah... Arizona is a pretty shitty place at times, heh.

I got the police report today as did Sarah's parents.

Were still debating on whether to sue him or not. The police report found the accident to be his fault, but did not issue any tickets.

Sarahs parents are already in the process of sueing him, so Im not sure if we are going to or not.

I have contacted my lawyer and have sent him over much of the information, so he is already working on the incident in case we do decide to due the other guy.

Im heading to sleep though...

Originally posted by DarkEve
Yah... Arizona is a pretty shitty place at times, heh.

I got the police report today as did Sarah's parents.

Were still debating on whether to sue him or not. The police report found the accident to be his fault, but did not issue any tickets.

Sarahs parents are already in the process of sueing him, so Im not sure if we are going to or not.

I have contacted my lawyer and have sent him over much of the information, so he is already working on the incident in case we do decide to due the other guy.

Im heading to sleep though...


Well, if you are not going to sue him... at least make him pay your bills.... such as your car and med expenses.
I would make more money suing his insurance company than him.

The thought is... he left his truck in the impound lot for two or three days. However, he did come to pick up his tools out of his truck for his job. So the belief is that he did not have the money to take his truck out of the impound lot at the time.

After being sued by Sarah's parents once, he likely wont have much anyhow, lol.

We will probably sue him still though. My moms work (she works at a middle school in the office) collected nearly $8000 in cash that they donated to us. And my insurance policy covers $1,000,000 in medical. So far Im up to about $400,000 in medication between the two hospitals... heh. Then the guy who did the surgery on my head charged $13,000, my arm was $11,000, the head doctor charged $23,000 to come see me in the morning for five minutes a day, heh.

So it adds up... heading to bed now though, haha.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy like this to realize how lucky you are in life.

I know these are kinda hollow words right now, but all I can honestly say is you won't ever get over it, but I know you can get through it.

Hang tough Brian, better days will come.

I as a the founding member of the [H]ard|Times club proclaim you a member and authorize you to put "member of the [H]ard|Times" club in your sig if you want.

Hell, after reading this I don't think I deserve to belong.
Thank you for the kind words everyone.

Theres only a few ways that I can sleep at night actually. First being that I cant remember the accident or the first two weeks after it because my brain has blocked it out. The last thing that I can remember that day is looking at Christmas lights with Sarah and kissing her and telling her I love her which is about 5 minutes before everything happened because we got on Pecos after that. Second way is that I am still healing so my body is constantly tired. Third being that I stay away until my head starts to fall and my eyes close so that I can barely see anything, then sign offline and Im basically asleep before I ever get into bed.

I keep piecing more and more of that day together though... up until three or four days ago the last thing I could remember was eating dinner with my dad the day before. Now I have pieced together everything up until 5 minutes before the accident. That scares me alot because I was supposed to be consious from shortly after the police arrived until I went into the coma at the hospital.

I dont know if I mentioned it, but I was supposed to die. Not just the first night like I know I mentioned, because I mentioned that the doctor from the trauma team said that I wouldnt life through the night. But on the scene, I shouldnt have lived, and I have one person to thank for that and Im going to get his address if I can and go see him. One of the witnesses was with his wife and his little girl. When it happened, he got out of the car and told his wife to go home and take their daughter home, that he would find a ride home with someone somehow. He then smashed out the rest of my driver side window because the door wouldnt open and could see that I wasnt breathing. He held my head up and I was choking on my own blood. He took out his knife and cut my seatbelt off and cut Sarahs off too even though he was sure that she was dead already because she had no pulse. He then stayed there holding my head up so that I could breathe until the paramedics got there finally. So I dont know if I would have died on the spot, but I still thank him for my life that night.

To the person who sent me money through paypal, thank you very, very much.

You bought Sarah a dozen yellow roses to put at Pecos and 40th street. With what was left over, it went towards paying for the CT Scans that I have to get which arent being covered my insurance because of the situation and because insurance is terrible, heh. Though I wont complain about my insurance when it pays something like $450,000 worth of medical bills from the hospitals, heh.

Any other money that people donate will go towards a present for Sarahs parents so that you know in advance what it is going too.

Thank you everyone,
Glad to hear you're doing well. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're all thankful for the man who held your head up and the doctors who undoubtedly saved your life.
I really dont know what to say. I dont think any words I can think of will even touch what I feel. When reading this, it brings tears to my eyes because you just dont know. One minute you give your G/F a kiss, and tell her you love her, the next minute your invloved in a tragic accident and your lives are changed forever. I give you my deepest sympathy possible. As when reading this, I could only picture something like this happening to myself and my fiance. Its really sad to say, but it takes a story like this to wake some of us up, and this one surely woke me up. All i can say is, i really hope they fix that horrible road (pecos) and stop further people from getting killed. I have to give you alot of credit, I think if this were me, I wouldnt even be able to turn my computer on.

Keep your strength up, because in al honesty and I hate to say this but I think when your finally 100% better, the actual reality of what happened to you, usually takes a few months to come.

One of my friends from highschool, and someone who I worked with was brutally murdered at his FUNCOLAND store where he worked, as well as anoter employee that I did not know. Needless to say, in the begininng it was very tuff for his parents, brothers, wife, and 2 year old child. But after a few months later, you just realize what actually has happened and reality hits even harder. Before his wife had a chance to tell him she was pregnant again he was murdered. I didnt want to change the topic in any way, but this reminded me of just how fast your life can change.

Here are a few URLS in case you would like some additional reading.

This happened in roxbury, NJ where nothing like this has happend in well over 25 years, and nothing this bad.

It took the help of NASA, the entire morris county community, and 10 months to catch these 3. One of them was 15 years old.

But hang on, and keep going, be strong.

Well, sir, you're a stronger man than I. In your situation I wouldn't have the will to live. Other than that, if you need anything, hollar. I'm just a hop, skip and a jump away in Mesa.
You are the strongest person I know of. You are the absolute meaning of [H]ard.

I wouldn't be albe to personally stand that kind of pain. I wish you all the best in the future and hope that you get some kind of retributions from the other driver.
Thank you to everyone who has responded since I last posted.

Sarah's parents are likely sueing him for Vehicular Manslaughter or whatever the hell it would be called, Im not positive as Im not a lawyer. They have contacted my parents about it several times and have asked if they want to be a part of it because her parents feel that I too have lost just as much as they have and therefor should get an equal share or whatever they get even though it doesnt bring her back or change anything or fix anything at all.

In the police report he states that he was going exactly the speed limit and wasnt speeding at all. Then claims that the light was green and that I gunned it to try to make it through. Even his passengers said that he was speeding...

He was one of two people who said it was green. The other guy also said that my car flipped... which it didnt, lol.

6 other witnesses said either yellow or red, and every single other person stopped but him.

He also claimed that there wasnt time to hit his brakes... after he left between 100 and 175 feet of tread marks... because all cars leave those with no brakes on or anything at all like that.

He said that because he couldnt hit the brakes, he attempted to swerve. Yet somehow he pushed my truck STRAIGHT back between 30 and 75 feet... and every single other witness said that he went straight into my truck and that he hit the gas.

I mean, in all honesty, I really have no intentions of sending this guy to jail. Yes, he killed someone, I understand that. He killed someone that I loved and someone whom I would have spent the rest of my life with. But even still, I didnt want him to go to jail or anything for it.

I mean, shit happens to everyone. Everyone messes up. Its part of life. Some people screw up worse and effect other peoples lives...

All I wanted was an appoligy. He didnt have to appoligize to me, I came out fine and lived and will heal physically. I wanted an appoligy to Sarahs parents and her brother. Does that make it right? No. Not in any means. But he knew that he killed and a girl and that her boyfriend was in a coma in the hospital, yet he didnt contact either family or do anything at all.

When Sarah's parents claimed wrongfun death from our insurance, we gladly gave it to them. That's why its included in insurance. That is what its there for.

when they claimed it from his insurance... his insurance company had no idea what they were talking about because he had never told them. He then tried to fight it... and of course lost.

He has numerous ticktes that were on the internet that my dad fought, but after a day or two they were all mysteriously removed and no more information could be found on him anywhere.

The fact of the matter is that you have to live up to what you get for your actions.

Do I plan on being involved in sueing him? Very much so now.

Would I have stepped down had he handled things differently? Yes, I would have. He still have to life with the fact that he killed one person and nearly killed a second person.
This story brings tears to my eyes. I am 19 & have a girlfriend of 2 years & 3 months, and just to imagine the thought of having to part with her crushes my heart. Relationships like that are priceless. My thoughts & prayers are with you man, God bless you through all of this.
Thank you man... relationships like that are priceless...

Good luck to you and oyur girlfriend

Thank you,
The VERY least he could have done is said he was sorry and maybe offer to help out if anywhere if needed.

Personally, I wouldn't sue if he did what I described above... but damn man... blow his ass away in court. Let big bubba take care of him in jail, because from the sounds of it... that is where he belongs.
Damn, I'm sorry for your loss and glad you didn't have more head trauma, that can mess you up for life. Dad had a wreck in '91, passenger a-pillar + right temple = bad things, and even though all the parts seem to be ok, he can't use his right eye now. His brain puts everything in the wrong place. That pretty much ended his career in drafting.

This place is pretty supportive when things like this happen, I know they were when my wife died. And Grahxen is right, it takes a few months before everything really sinks in, but your family, friends and people in general are for the most part good and will try to help. Let them , I can't stress this enough. You have enough to do and enough going through your mind as it is without trying to take everything on your own shoulders.

You and Sarah's family have my deepest condolences.
Thank you to everyone who has replied, especially those who have left kind words. I greatly appreciate it.
/me bows low

You deserve anything that life can give you. I'd have honestly done commited suicide if my fiance had died. Having to raise my 8 month old son alone would have just killed me.. I congratulate you on your bravery, and hardcore attitude to it all. You're the kind of person I'd be honored to shake hands with. Even more so than President Bush.. Though I don't suppose thats saying much.
Thank you Incanus... that means a lot to me. I like your signature about the AMBMB incident... I believe that I have traded with you either here or on AMBMB or the likes and everything went smoothly because I seem to remember your name for some reason. So more power to the non-troll!

Thank you for everything you said. Good luck with your fiancee and your son :)
We all know what it's like to loose some one, A friend, A family member even a pet.

It's a devistating thing to happen, life changing if you could say that. I wish i could say a million things to my Grandad before he
passed away and i'm sure you would like to do the same too.

But i know i can't make a change in the past or to things that happen in anyones life so the only thing i can offer you here, now are my condolences and my hope that you get what you wan't out of your life now.

Thank you everyone... I would leave a longer reply but today was a really hard day for me so Im going to go hang out at a friends house for a few hours and talk to her about shit because shes really the only person that I have left that I trust besides Cory... who is a traitor and hanging out with a girl that I cant stand...

So Ill be back in a few hours.

But thank you for all of the kind words and everything, I really appreciate it!

Hey brain, i am so sorry for your loss man u are stronger than i will ever be. :( I mean i would sit in a hole and want to die but u are pressing on i salute u.;) u are an awesome guy and anyone who saws other wise should go die. Oh by the way to all the people who are bitching about money back or stuff they never got u should get a life and a conscious(sp?) . Your shit can wait brain lost someone he loves dearly and if u were in his shoes i am sure u would like just bitch at everyone that buged u for shit. So show i little consideration ok he is trying to get over some things don't worry he won't stiff u and u will get your shit in time be patient with him... well brain stay strong i hope god blesses u when u come out of these trials.... (to bad if no one believes in god freedom of speech) .... ;) well see around man.

Pntbllskat ;)

Never say never cause it could happen........
Perhaps this thread should be locked, but left here for a warning to all other [h]'ers, drive carefully, and enjoy life while it's at it's peak, or even when it seems down. You never know whats going to happen....

Anyways, I'm sure DarkEve is getting a bit frusrated with having to say Thank You to everyone who comes along, we all feel deeply for him and he knows that we are here for him, whatever his needs.
Dont mind saying thank you too much. Usually try to throw an update in there on the situation along with the thank you, but at times I check just before going to sleep so theres not really any time nor energy available, heh.

But thats up to the mods.

It was just a thought, sorry if I offended you...

*goes back to what he SHOULD be doing, work*
no offense taken at all.

Work sucks, and unfortunatly I was there today, heh...

But Im exhausted, heading to sleep.
since everyone should know the story now and his name is cleared, it is time this got unstickied
Groovy! Hope everything goes well for you in the future, and I'm sorry again about what happened... Now for an update..

Previous Credit History for DarkEve
Bad Due to Stuff

New Credit History Statement for DarkEve
Loan Approved for 1,000,000 Yen (Whats that, 20$ USD? ;) )