Acer Aspire 5050 AMD Turion 64 X2 refurb laptop 439.99

Two people have asked me to find them a cheap laptop... this might be good for that. Anyone else have anything to add?
ehh.. refurb. And if you wait every so often newegg, best buy, or circuit city puts one up just as good for around the same price, maybe $50 more.. and its brand new.
I find it funny how they say you save so much...... even thogh teh list price is based on it new >.>
As long as this thing does everything my 2X 8800GTX / Q6600 / 3007WFP /etc machine can, I'll be happy.:rolleyes:

I got one for my little brother (college), and I think he'll be stoked.:)
Labor day sale. CircuitCity OfficeDepot had CoreDuo Laptops on sale for $449 AR Brand New.
bettter off paying a couple hundred more and getting a new vostro with a c2d, you can find the 1500 for $650 decently spec'd out.
I just recently got rid of an Acer 5100 with the mk36. I don't recommend them. They're built flimsy. The mk36 is a bit weak for Vista use, especially with only 512mb to 1gb ram. Vista needs a dual core and 2gb.

The Lenovo/IBM I have at work by comparison is a well-made dependable laptop. IMO, they're worth the extra money. They're built for business, so they're easy to upgrade and work on. My 2¢ worth.
I'd recommend against refurbished laptops. Even if you know how to repair one, which half the people buying it probably won't, you still have to deal with the ridiculously overpriced replacement parts should one go bad. Go with Dell and get a good warranty, it's worth it.