Acer Aspire AS4315-2963


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2007
I'm looking to buy a laptop relatively soon, and I spotted this deal at Micro Center:

What's appealing to me about this laptop is that it's apparently pretty easily upgradeable. The CPU is, from all reports I've read so far (unless everyone has been desoldering their CPUs), socketed, and the chipset is apparently (though not officially) able to accommodate up to a Core 2 Duo T7x00-series with a full 800MHz FSB. Additionally, the access cover spans nearly the entire underside, making future upgrades potentially easier than most other laptops with only a tiny access cover for the RAM.

My questions are:

1. Has anyone had hands-on experience with this particular or similar laptop?

2. How are Acer laptops, in general?

3. Is this generally a good deal, considering its potential upgradeability? Should I bite on this one, or should I wait until another one of those $300 deals crop up?

If not this, I'm aiming for a laptop that has:

1. As low a price as possible, around $300 ideally, $400 being negotiable, and $500 being the absolute, absolute maximum.

2. The CPU has to be Intel, socketed, and upgradeable.

3. No Intel GMA9xx-anything (X3100 is preferred).

4. No Toshibas. No fargin' Toshibas. I've seen one too many die or become crippled in some way to want to get stuck with one, even if it was dirt-cheap (it's still money).

Thanks. :D