
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
ACG on YouTube has reviewed the horror game, Resident Evil 2 Remake. The Capcom title releases onto Steam and consoles on January 25, 2019. Karak discusses the graphics, decisions to improve upon the original's game play, environment, atmosphere, sound and more. Will he give it a "buy, wait for sale, rent, or never touch" rating? Watch and find out!

Karak reviews Resident Evil 2 Remake out for ps4, pc, and xbox on the 25th.
Literally who?

In the perfect world this remake would exist alongside a 2002-era REmake 2 and 3.
But whatever, I'll be spending my money on this with its ugly Claire anyway, the demo was suprisingly pretty fun, and I expected absolute trash since it is modern day Capcom.
I was worried about this one, so glad it has turned out so good. I loved RE2 for PS1, beat it more times than any other game I've owned.
This is a day 1 for me, pre-order even. I pretty much agree with everything he said in the review as I pretty much experienced the same in the demo. One thing I didn't notice him mention is that the game also supports Dolby Atmos on PC, or at least the demo did. Overall I've become incredibly impressed with the REngine. Not perfect, none of them are, but many options to allow scaling for almost every tier of card or display. When things are maxed some details are like, check the screen to see if that's real goo on it.

Thanks Cagey!
Other than Code Veronica (which I never finished), REmake and RE0 were my first Resident Evil games. Since I never played RE2, I'm getting this remake soon.
I really want to buy, but I want to see if Radeon 7 is any good first since that card has a promo to get this game.
Wish my piece of shit 970 could play this at max settings 1080p :(.
I want to play this but I'm going to wait for a sale...Metro Exodus and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice are taking priority in the next 2 months...
Dorm. Buddies. College "leisure" and RE1 was fun as hell. When we first started the dogs event made a guy scream and run. Dont remember much of RE2 other than the opening sequence so certainly an item on my list down the line.
I stopped listening when he said he wanted all FPS locked at 30.
Are you just trying to make a fool of yourself? He was talking about on the consoles that cant even come close to maintaining 60 fps. Can you not grasp the concept of locked 30 fps being smoother than having framerates all over the place or in the no mans land around 40-50 fps on the consoles? It should at least be an option and anyone with a clue about smooth consistent game performance knows that. Hell even Digital Foundry mentioned the same thing when they reviewed the demo.
Are you just trying to make a fool of yourself? He was talking about on the consoles that cant even come close to maintaining 60 fps. Can you not grasp the concept of locked 30 fps being smoother than having framerates all over the place or in the no mans land around 40-50 fps on the consoles? It should at least be an option and anyone with a clue about smooth consistent game performance knows that. Hell even Digital Foundry mentioned the same thing when they reviewed the demo.

Why not have a vsync option that caps at 30 and an unlocked option? There is at least one console game I know that has that option.
Full price for a re-make is not worth it even if it the best remake ever. So the best this game can start at is wait for sale.
I stopped listening when he said he wanted all FPS locked at 30.

To be fair, he was talking specifically about the consoles, whose FPS (in his experience) noticeably jumps from 50 to 30 back and forth. I watch a lot of this guy's reviews. He's a big proponent of 60 fps on all things, but also understands that consoles just aren't doing that right now.
Here's hoping they fix the odd texture/AA things he mentions and shows in the video. I saw it in the demo too. Won't hold me back from getting but it'd nice if fixed. Rumor is that the build given for reviews is the same as the demo. Let's hope either thru drivers or patches it get's fixed. Interestingly enough this currently is yet another title with wonky DX12 implementation but the DX11 worked great.

Really like his style of reviewing. I'm big into eye candy and I liked how right away he got into the visuals, whether technical or design, compared different platforms, continually explained differences from the original, explored soundscapes, continually explained controls, and pointed out pros and cons of all. Another plus was the 4k stream. Well worth the 20 minutes to watch.
Just bought a new video card and got this game and Devil May Cry 5 for free. The demo was pretty awesome. cant wait until Friday to get my download code.
Are you just trying to make a fool of yourself? He was talking about on the consoles that cant even come close to maintaining 60 fps. Can you not grasp the concept of locked 30 fps being smoother than having framerates all over the place or in the no mans land around 40-50 fps on the consoles? It should at least be an option and anyone with a clue about smooth consistent game performance knows that. Hell even Digital Foundry mentioned the same thing when they reviewed the demo.
I must be one of those weirdos who likes unlocked framerate on consoles. Did they test it on the Xbox One with FreeSync?
Full price for a re-make is not worth it even if it the best remake ever. So the best this game can start at is wait for sale.
It's a brand new game that has been in development for more than 4 years. The only thing that it shares with the original game is the story.
It's a brand new game that has been in development for more than 4 years. The only thing that it shares with the original game is the story.
I played the demo, it didn't feel like a "brand new game" For a remake it's OK, for a brand new game it's indie quality.
Wish my piece of shit 970 could play this at max settings 1080p :(.
i have a 780 lol. Looks like i need to buy a rx 580 and get this and the Division 2. Id be buying these games anyway so its like i get a 580 for like 60 bucks
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Full price for a re-make is not worth it even if it the best remake ever. So the best this game can start at is wait for sale.

33% off at Cdkeys for the standard edition, just bought it, this is my first ever pre-order..
i have a 780 lol. Looks like i need to buy a rx 580 and get this and the Division 2. Id be buying these games anyway so its like i get a 580 for like 60 bucks
Bump up to a 590 and I think DMC5 gets thrown in as well if you have any interest in that.
Having any fps game run at 30fps in 2019 is a shame. Game design should be target 60fps. Now some games like a rpg ect you can get by at 30fps.

That said game looks good and I loved the old RE games growing up
I will disagree and place it in the 75% discount bin. As only multiplayer experiences require early adoption. For example Battlefield 1’s different game modes are GhostTown now but were all playable last year. But a single player game such as this can wait 2-3 yrs with no fuss.
I will disagree and place it in the 75% discount bin. As only multiplayer experiences require early adoption. For example Battlefield 1’s different game modes are GhostTown now but were all playable last year. But a single player game such as this can wait 2-3 yrs with no fuss.
You’re not exactly wrong in your assessment of your own enjoyment, but publishers and developers often look at preorder/full price/first year sales as indicators of not only success but also general interest.

The best objectively solo game ever could never (or be highly unlikely to) see a sequel (in another discussion I would argue not all games need sequels) simple because so many just...wait to purchase. A great example is Beyond Good and Evil, a game people have clamored for a sequel for a decade and a half.

By all means wait to purchase a game if you feel like, but you help to contribute to the homogenization of this hobby if you refuse to ever pay full price for the few games deserving simply because their experience doesn’t degrade with time akin to multiplayer.
You’re not exactly wrong in your assessment of your own enjoyment, but publishers and developers often look at preorder/full price/first year sales as indicators of not only success but also general interest.

The best objectively solo game ever could never (or be highly unlikely to) see a sequel (in another discussion I would argue not all games need sequels) simple because so many just...wait to purchase. A great example is Beyond Good and Evil, a game people have clamored for a sequel for a decade and a half.

By all means wait to purchase a game if you feel like, but you help to contribute to the homogenization of this hobby if you refuse to ever pay full price for the few games deserving simply because their experience doesn’t degrade with time akin to multiplayer.

IMHO games that are 20 years old aren't worth $60.
Spent the last few weeks putting time when I could play this. Loved it. As ACG and others have stated, DX11 all the way. DX12 has some issues. He was spot on with the eye candy. Some parts are just too cool. I was surprised, however, at a setting I didn't know could go higher. The 'quality' setting will go as high as 200% and it does improve the texture/pic quality if you go above 100% but still didn''t get rid of all the anomalies. My 2080TI couldn't really do more than 100% and hold 60 but it wasn't really needed to be honest at 4k/HDR but the 1080TI at 1440p easily handled 130% with fps averages in the 80-90+ range and occasional dips to 60 fps. Using that setting and I was very impressed with the visuals at 1440p and Vram average 5.5GB to 6.5GB(a couple of places it went to 6.9).

Hope to see more ACG reviews. I like his style.