Ack! Now what do I get?


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
My DFI Nforce MB, Athlon X2 4400+ CPU, BFG 7800GTX 256MB Video Card, and so forth had a setback Christmas Day. I tried to boot and no dice. I've traced it to the PS, so I'm looking to buy a new one.

Read in the DFI MB thread, and was considering the Corsair unit. At about $130 from ZipZoomFly after rebate, that wasn't a bad solution. But I know folks on these forums have recommended Power and Cooling units as the best for as long as I can remember, and a friend suggested looking at the recommended PS's for Nvidia computers today... and I found the Silencer 750 Quad. While more than I've ever spent before, I figured a good PS is a smart investment and I placed my order through P&C. Minutes ago, as I came back to the office with lunch, I found an e-mail stating they are out of stock and wont' have more until 1/12. So I e-mailed back and asked them to cancel my order.

So I'm kinda back to square one. Here's my question if anyone could help me out...

Will a 8800 run in my order DFI SLI-DR motherboard?

If so, I'll get the P&C 750 from New Egg or something. If not, the maybe I'll get the Corsair that's recommended for DFI MB's anyway.

Thanks in advance. Gotta get my primary computer back up ASAP!!!

....was considering the Corsair unit. At about $130 from ZipZoomFly after rebate, that wasn't a bad solution. But I know folks on these forums have recommended Power and Cooling units as the best for as long as I can remember....

Wasn't me.

Get the Corsair.
Do as Jonny says-- get the Corsair!!

Even though I only use PC Power & Cooling PSu`s.
There are many good brands that cost less and are real fine PSU`s!!

Those of us who use PC Power & Cooling do so because we have never had issues with the company or those who have had issues always get taken care of!!

There is IMO a point where cost over shadows value and workmanship!!

Notice though if you will that prices have been creeping up towards where PC Power & Cooling is at and will probably continue to creep up there....yet stay a little below there prices. That way they can say we are cheaper than but our quality is just as good....

My only response to the quality issue is simple...lets wait 5 years and se whose PSU is still operational!!

Bottom line get the Corsair!! :D

Merry Christmas!!!
OCC_Yoda said:
There is IMO a point where cost over shadows value and workmanship!!!

Right. And if you can get the same quality components built by the same OEM (Seasonic) for less money, then why not! :D

*** poke poke poke ***
Thanks for the posts guys! I was REALLY tempted to go with the P&C for the first time, and hopefully be future proof. What I mean by that is while I thought I might eventually do SLI with my 7800GTX, the graphics cards improved too quickly... and SLI just hasn't been necessary. I'd MUCH rather get a 8800GTS or X at this point, then spend $250+ on a 256MB BFG 7800GTX and do SLI.

Okay, this will probably seem anal, but besides the price... I went with the Corsair unit for the modular wiring. I looked at the P&C cooling and just cringed at where I'd put all the spare wires in my Apple G5 case (see my other posts for info about that). With the Corsair, I plug in what I need, and unplug what I don't. :)

I'm pretty excited about my decision. This is STILL the highest wattage PS I've ever purchased, and the reviews all say it's a good brand/product. I'm excited to get it in there and get back up and running. That sinking feeling when it wouldn't turn on Christmas Night was pure evil. ;)

Thanks again and have a great day!!!
