Active Display Port to DVI High Res/Refresh Rate


Jun 19, 2011
Hey guys,
I am looking to find an adapter that will work for minidisplay port to Dual link dvi for resolutions of 2560x1440 and refresh rates of 120Hz. Any recommendations would be very helpful.
What monitor are you using that allows 2560x1440@120?
from what i heard about DL-DVI DP active adapter ( a name that sounds like porn:rolleyes:) and OCed 1440p monitors, you are better off ebaying your graphics card and getting another with native DL-DVI support.

if its a laptop, you can use the USD90 active DL-DVI adapters, since you wont have the gpu power to run 120hz anyway.
I'm in the exact same situation here. ^_^

I just picked up a X270OC from Overlord myself. Absolute love it. I'm looking to get a Qnix or X Star as a secondary monitor. But my GTX 780 only has one DVI-D output, so I'm trying to figure out if I can get a DP > DVI-D adapter to work.
But my GTX 780 only has one DVI-D output, so I'm trying to figure out if I can get a DP > DVI-D adapter to work.

Are you sure? Nvidia cards by default have 2 dual-link DVI outputs. One also provides analog and so will be marked as DVI-I.

DVI-I = DVI-D + Analog (VGA)
Are you sure? Nvidia cards by default have 2 dual-link DVI outputs. One also provides analog and so will be marked as DVI-I.

DVI-I = DVI-D + Analog (VGA)

Oh wow you're absolutely right. These monitors only accept Dual-Link DVI-D, but that should plug straight into the DVI-I port on my 780, correct?
2 NVIDIA cards can drive 3 Overlord TEMPESTS . 2x 760, or 2x770. for 120hz, i think you gonna need 3xtitan, and still be limited to 75hz most of the time.
a 780 can drive 2 DL-DVI monitors
from what I have heard the bizlink active DP -> Dual link DVI adapter is the only one that can really do high Hz (I believe slightly over 400 Mhz pixel clock, like 410 or 420). Not enough for 120Hz but probably enough for 100Hz. If you really only have DP as an option (like on a laptop).

The monoprice one I use is good enough for 67 Hz atleast.
2 NVIDIA cards can drive 3 Overlord TEMPESTS . 2x 760, or 2x770. for 120hz, i think you gonna need 3xtitan, and still be limited to 75hz most of the time.
a 780 can drive 2 DL-DVI monitors

(1) Don't all monitors need to be plugged into the same graphics card for Surround?
(2) I'm not sure even FOUR Titans is enough to deliver a consistent 120fps at 7680x1440 / 4320x2560 unless a range of in-game settings are turned down.
(1) Don't all monitors need to be plugged into the same graphics card for Surround?
(2) I'm not sure even FOUR Titans is enough to deliver a consistent 120fps at 7680x1440 / 4320x2560 unless a range of in-game settings are turned down.

1) I know eyefinity all need to be the same card. Unfamiliar with Nvidia Surround.

2) I'm scared, but I'm also attempting to somewhat futureproof this so I could definitely use an active adapter that can push this kind of data.
I finally had a chance to test my B087B-007B.

The adapter doesn't work at all on cables where the "hot plug detect" pin is removed!
Using a regular one it can do about 108-109hz without artifacting.
Not bad.