Adaptec 3400s - RAID 5 - Questions about status?


Dec 16, 2003
1,743 first leap into SCSI seesm to be going exceptionally smooth. the system is a ton more responsive and lag is generally gone from MOST operations (my AIW TV OnDemand causes skipping in feeds when enabled...wierd)...however, something wierd happened yesterday...

I came home to an ear-piercing alarm coming from the computer...not from the speakers, checked all i figure its gotta be the RAID i powered down, restarted, and it came back! so i dropped into the card's utility and find one of my 3 18GB Seagate Cheetah 15k drives is "failed" and my array "degraded"...

the adapter still detected the drive and reported full capacity however, so i started a rebuild of the array and went about regular stuff...

at 81% the alarm went off again and i shut the system down and restarted

this time i go in and the utility lists the "failed" drive as MISSING COMPONENT...Oh $%#@...

took the sides off and i felt the hard drives...all were burning hot to the touch (pretty typical with 15k but this left nice marks) i checked all cables, verified ID's, and installed a 80mm fan in the front of the HD cage for now till i get a suitable 25mm thick 120mm fan to replace exhaust is handled by a 120x38mm delta (the big nasty)...

booted back up after all of that and it now sees the drive...status is still failed, array impacted, but again is properly reporting the drive and full capacity...

booted into WinXP Pro, installed Storage Manager Pro and started a rebuild from within windows...

completes without issue and without another i double checked everything one more time and all seems i'm leaving it up and running while i go to work to see whats up...

so i guess what im asking it possible (that like the Athlon XP's and greater) the drive crossed a thermal protection point and said "oh #%$@ i give up" and "shut down" causing my little issue? at least in the short term it seems like the extra cooling solved the issue thus why i ask...all cables also seemed secure when i was inside the case...although it is possible one could have worked its way loose and that was the cause of the intermittent dropout...

ALSO: does anyone know of a free open SMTP server that i can use OR a nice server program to setup my own so i can get email notifications when this crap happens again? I tried one last night but managed to get my IP flagged by verizon for spam (i have comcast cable but maintain my old email with verizon)...
o i guess what im asking it possible (that like the Athlon XP's and greater) the drive crossed a thermal protection point and said "oh #%$@ i give up" and "shut down" causing my little issue?

Yes ... the drive(s) in combination with the controller ...

Cheetah X15 Product manual
A temperature sensor monitors the drive temperature and issues a warning over the interface when the temperature exceeds a set threshold. The temperature is measured at power-up and then at ten-minute intervals after power-up.