Adaptec 3805 HDD temp monitoring?

Jun 22, 2008

I have just set up the above raid conrtoller and i love it. Right now I am experimenting with cooling configurations and cannot find where the adaptec storage manager lists attached hard drive temps. :(

If anyone could point me in the direction of said feature i would be greatly obliged. :D

I would think it would be displayed somewhere in Adaptec Storage Manager, however I didn't find any immediate ways to display individual hard disks in an array through that program, either, but it does list the controller's temperature.

If you don't have any data on your array yet, perhaps you can try breaking the array and making it show up as individual drives, and then use programs like HDTune to check each drive's temperature individually?
FWIW, I recall setting up some JBOD on my 51245. The drives showed up as "Adaptec Array" in HDtune, despite them being single drives.

I too wondered how to see temperatures of the drives themselves. I thought I remember seeing those details on an older adaptec card I had (4805SAS), but it's been so long...
Mokies i have kicked off a email to adaptec with any luck that will turn something up. I'll keep you guys posted.
Thanks, let us know of what you find, I'd love to know an easier way to determine the temperatures of individual drives.
Yeah i finally dug out the TSID for the card or whater that code you need to quote to get support. Alas it isn't possible. The most you can read from drive smart information in the adaptec storage manager is if you have a smart error :-( Looks like i am going to need tempreature probes. Possibly one of those mcubed fan controllers.

I also discovered another limitation i figured id mention (for the benefit of google searchers really)....

You cannot perform online capacity expansions with spanned arrays with the Adaptec 3805 SAS/SATA Raid controller .

As the drives i have were filled with data (6) i bought 2 more and used the two as an inital spanned array and planned to add data to said array and then perform OCE's to add the now empty drives to the array. This doesn't work. To perform OCE you must begin with a raid 5/6 etc etc type array. So now i need more drives. More storage is never a bad thing tho :-P

On the upside the controller does come with 2 years of complemtary email and phone support which i thought was rather nice. Email support was also very prompt.
I don't understand why someone would go with JBOD/Spanned drives if they have a proper hardware RAID controller to do RAID5/6, the overhead is worth the redundancy and the capability to OCE and other features that hardware RAID controllers excel at.

Oh well, thanks for taking the time to find out the situation, appreciate it. :D
I don't understand why someone would go with JBOD/Spanned drives if they have a proper hardware RAID controller to do RAID5/6, .....

Oh well, thanks for taking the time to find out the situation, appreciate it. :D

Your welcome.

The reason for the JBOD array was one of price and more specifically me not wanting to buy extra drives i don't need atm. I guess i didn't explain well in the last post. I had 6 500 gig drives largely filled with data i wanted redundancy for and hell one partition for it all would also be handy.

Drives can only be added to the array blank. So i bought two more drives, made the largest array possible with both drives which is a JBOD. Then planned to add 2 drvies worth of data to that array and then expand the partition onto the now blank disks. Then i would have 4 disks in the array. I then could move to a raid 5 array and continue to move data and add disks one at a time till the array was full and finally convert to a RAID six array.

I hope that explains my intial plan better. Alas moving from a JBOD array isn't possible with OCE so i had to buy 2 more drives so i had 4 blank drives to begin with allowing a raid 6 array to start with. Now i am expanding from there.