Add 9600gt or replace with 9800gtx?


Limp Gawd
Sep 6, 2001
Don't want to spend a lot of money, as the reason I want to upgrade is related to the fact that I purchased a 24in monitor on which I plan to do some light gaming. Currently have a 9600GT on a 680i LT SLi XFX board. My PS is 610W Silencer by PC Power & Cooling. Don't have many other drives devices in my system to power. I go the really cheap route and add a second 9600GT for SLi, or do I spend more money and replace the 9600GT with a 9800GTX or HD4850--seeing that both can now be had for <$200? I guess what I am asking is which is better for gaming at 1920 x 1200? Thanks,

What SLi issues do you think I would run into? I have never run SLi in my life so this would be a new venture. Thanks.
I would bet the 9600 GT SLI is a better choice if you dont mind the SLI issues.

No way, definitely the 4850 is the best option for the money. The performance would be both better and more consistent than two 9600 GT in SLI.
What SLi issues do you think I would run into? I have never run SLi in my life so this would be a new venture. Thanks.

The only real "issue" is microstuttering. Some people notice it, some dont. Other things to compare are the games and scalability of the games you play with SLI. If the games you play scale well with SLI, then SLI would be better. 9600 GT's scale very well at 1920x1200.

Here are some scaling numbers for 9600's.

No way, definitely the 4850 is the best option for the money. The performance would be both better and more consistent than two 9600 GT in SLI.

Not really in his case, the 4850 is slightly better than the 9800 GTX. He already has the SLI motherboard and a PSU capable of handing those two cards, and 9600 GTs are cheap enough now, especially if he got one used.
The only games I have been playing or will be playing are COD4, CoH, and some source based games--specifically TF2. I may give U3 a try uf I have time. It really is tempting to buy a 2nd 9600GT for like $120 though. Although, it looks as though the 4850 isn't that far off in price. Also, the reason I even mentioned the 9800GTX was because I have a SLi capable board and thought that would leave me an upgrade path.
Chances are the 4850 will be faster, and you won't get any microstuttering either. You should be able to easily make up the difference in cost by selling your current 9600GT.
Thanks guys. I think I will go with a single 4850 and just sell my 7600gt and 8600gts and keep my 9600gt for my sons' rig. Thanks again,

um, what am I missing here...? the two 9600GTs SLIed beat a single 4850 in practically every benchmark I've seen...
Could someone give me a video link to microstuttering? I want to see what it looks like
Well, I was about to pull the trigger on the 4850, and then I checked this thread one last time---and now I am stuck. I have been gaming on mainstream video cards all my life. It used to not bother me. But now, I can tell that I should be getting better frames. I would like all eyte-candy on, and I will take AA if I can. I don't play crysis btw. Anyway, any more input is appreciated. You guys think my PS will handle 2 9600GTs? Also, is having 2 9600GTs in SLi like supin up mo-ped. i.e. something you do in the privacy of your garage, never let your friends see you on it, and sure as hell don't tell anyone about? THanks again,

Well, I was about to pull the trigger on the 4850, and then I checked this thread one last time---and now I am stuck. I have been gaming on mainstream video cards all my life. It used to not bother me. But now, I can tell that I should be getting better frames. I would like all eyte-candy on, and I will take AA if I can. I don't play crysis btw. Anyway, any more input is appreciated. You guys think my PS will handle 2 9600GTs? Also, is having 2 9600GTs in SLi like supin up mo-ped. i.e. something you do in the privacy of your garage, never let your friends see you on it, and sure as hell don't tell anyone about? THanks again,


a lot of that depends on if your using AA. the more you use the better the 4850. The best value of the 4800 series is the eye candy. the biggest problem right now is the price point, a second 9600GT for 120 is not a good buy if your you can get a 4850 for 150. the 9600GT to scale better then any other SLI setup and are a good value if you could get another one cheap. and the problem with the 9800GTX is the price point as well, with the GTX260 going for 225 on special with rebates there just is no point in 9800GTX + or other wise unless they drop the price. with the 4870 seen at 240 on special with rebates its just as bad.

for the money a 4850 or 4870, or a GTX260 are the ones to beat right now. Now if you can pick up a used 9600GT for cheap that would be worthwhile. and for what you play quite nice.
the egg has a new PNY 9600gt for 104 shipped and no tax in my state. That may fit the bill. otw, the cheapest 4850 i see is also on the egg for 174 shipped, no tax. i guess i'll just get the gt then.
I'd go with a second 9600gt... people seem to be recommending 4850 for every situation these days :rolleyes:
I'd go with a second 9600gt... people seem to be recommending 4850 for every situation these days :rolleyes:

Ya, too bad the card is worth it eh? :\

I recommend the 4850 AND 4870 just to keep with the trend. The 4870 is way more capable at 1920x resolutions then the 4850 for sure. the 4850 is more of a 1680x resolution kindof card.
Notice that the OP has an SLI Motherboard.

Just because you think the 4850 is all that and a bag of chips doesn't mean its right for his situation. If he ever wants to go crossfire with it he'd be stuck with having to upgrade his mobo too... If anything he should get a 9800 GTX so he has the option of SLI'ing it later on. I recommended a 9600GT because it's less hassle to plug in another card than trying to sell his old card and replace it with a new one.

The 4870 is not even in his price range. Notice I have one. Stop telling people to get what you have just because you have it.
Notice that the OP has an SLI Motherboard.

Just because you think the 4850 is all that and a bag of chips doesn't mean its right for his situation. If he ever wants to go crossfire with it he'd be stuck with having to upgrade his mobo too... If anything he should get a 9800 GTX so he has the option of SLI'ing it later on. I recommended a 9600GT because it's less hassle to plug in another card than trying to sell his old card and replace it with a new one.

The 4870 is not even in his price range. Notice I have one. Stop telling people to get what you have just because you have it.

I have a SLI motherboard an a 4850. What now dawg. What. :p
umm.. you should have bought a 9800 GTX?

Why is it that the given rule that once you have an OMGWTFBBQ multiGPU capable motherboard you have to "take advantage of it". :rolleyes: Oh, and once you have that setup you're locked with it in holy matrimony until you decide to get shafted again or get a new platform overall.
I went from sli 8600s, I will never do sli again or recommend it.

Why would you ever SLI 8600's? Did you just not know any better? SLI is for high res/textures/details and you SLIed two cards with a 128bit mem bus and 32 shaders...

Why is it that the given rule that once you have an OMGWTFBBQ multiGPU capable motherboard you have to "take advantage of it". :rolleyes: Oh, and once you have that setup you're locked with it in holy matrimony until you decide to get shafted again or get a new platform overall.

Your not locked into anything, just locked out of Crossfire if its an SLI board, or SLI if its an Intel board. Even locked out doesnt matter now since both sides are releasing multi-gpu single slot solutions...
Ahem I'm a fan of the 4850 and even I will tell you that 2 x 9600GT is a crazy good combo. 9600GT SLI beats anythign for the money if yiou already have 1 9600GT. grab a sencondfor 100 bucks on newegg and your good. If i had a SLI board i would be running 2 9600GT's
Alright, to put an end to this thread....I went ahead and bought a 9600GT for $99. I figured that this combo in SLi, though not as fast as a 4850 or maybe a 9800gtx, for the money was the absolute best bang for the buck. I also considered a used 8800GTX, but I figured if I were to spend around $160, then why not $175 on a 4850. At that point, I realized I was getting away from the sub-$100 9600gt, and so went with that. Thanks for everyone's input and sorry for causing some heated debates (which actually make for entertainment).
Havint had any problems with my SLIed ultra's...Running smooth as butter..Oh and they are for sale to..upgrading to 2 gtx280's...