Adding Harddrives to Fedora Core 4


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2001
I have recently set up a test server with Fedora Core 4 on it. I set it up with only the boot harddrive installed so it would be as easy as possible. I then added a Promise 2-port IDE card and installed the new harddrive, a 250gb maxtor. What I need now are instructions to format, mount and use the harddrive for samba. Before you tell me to google my questions and go from there, I did just that first. I found all the instructions, I formatted the drive in ext3 and followed the mounting instructions, I still can't use the drive :(. Can someone help me out here? I know its a rather trivial set of questions but I am at a loss here.
I've found I can't use extra harddrives I've installed unless logged in as root. This has been both in Mandiva and Suse.
Sorry, I'm a total linux n00b, so I'm just sorta throwing out what I've experienced so far.
You added the new drive in /etc/fstab so that it's mounted at boot? Are you able to browse to the drive (i.e.: cd /newDrive) and use it normally, not even trying samba yet?
Currently it is not in fstab but I mounted it when I logged in myself. I can browse it but it is saying 14.9gb free which is the amount of space I have on my boot drive, not the 233GB that should be displayed from the maxtor.
How is it partitioned? [1]
Could you post the output of running "mount" in a terminal after mounting it?
And the same for "df -h"?
Tip: Use [code ] - tags when you paste it here, it makes it much easier to read.

[1] If the disk is /dev/hde, try "cfdisk /dev/hde" in a terminal. I'm not familiar with cfdisk, but it's looks like it should be reasonably easy to understand.
If you don't know which device it is, try "dmesg | grep hd" and see if it mentions the disk by name.
You should get a line like this for each drive:
hda: FUJITSU MHT2060AT, ATA DISK drive
In this case, the disk is /dev/hda.
Ok, maybe I'm misreading ... but maybe not..
you say you formated that hdd, but you didn't say that you partitioned it - so it's just a raw disk still, you have to partition it in some way in order to 'browse' it...