Addressing Pins on a P4.


Aug 16, 2003
I recently got a processor from someone and it is missing 2 pins from the addressing pins.
Here is my question.. <- heres alittle image and the two missing pins.

What does the address pin part do?
Do you think it would work without those 2 pins?
well, one pin is a ground and one is a signal... you should look up what "signal" that pin addresses, but it is likely that the chip will still work.

awesome a free chip :-P JK

Im checking intel's processor pdf to see if theres anything about them.
try sticking a small peice of conductive metal in the socket where the missing pin is so that the chip and socket are making contact... see if that works.
well, since the pins are on the edge, I suppose if you had a very steady hand, a very small tipped soldering iron, and a replacement pin from someplace else, you could put the pins back. It'd be tough as hell though, I don't think those pins are held on by standard everyday run of the mill solder, but then again in this day of corporate cheapery...they very well could be :p

If that's not an option, I'd try what was already suggested. put a piece of conductive metal about the size of the missing pins in the socket where the missing pins go so the socket and cpu make contact. Maybe a small paperclip...or...hmm...wonder if you could find a spring small enough...the spring would be a better choice I think since it would be compressed when in the socket ensuring contact with the cpu long as it's not big enough to make contact with both pins :eek: