Administer Active Directory under Linux


Aug 6, 2004
Do you know if it is possible to administer the active directory (specifically users / groups / computers) under Linux? I know Linux can tie into AD, but I was looking for more along the tools that might be available.
someone else can correct me if i am wrong here, but i believe you will need to integrate your *nix boxes with your AD network using LDAP. Once you get your boxes to propogate information nicely between each other, you should be able to manage services via your linux box. As for specific commands, i would do a little searching under "LDAP and Active Directory".
Recent server editions of Windows have a limited number of remote desktop connections for administration purposes. Linux has an RDP client called "rdesktop".

This is the least complicated way of doing it.
^^^ pick up grdesktop (good rdesktop front end) and just log into the winodows server. If all you're looking to do is admin the directory that's the best way. It seems just nuts to go through openldap integration so you can admin it via linux.